ഫലകം പുനഃപരിശോധിക്കണം
തിരുത്തുകതാങ്കൾ ഇന്ത്യയിലെ തർക്ക ബാധിത മേഖലകൾ എന്ന താളിൽ ചേർത്ത ഫലകം ദയവായി പുനഃപരിശോധിക്കുക. ആ താളിൽ ജീവിച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന വ്യക്തികളുമായി എന്താ ബന്ധം? Adithyak1997 (സംവാദം) 10:54, 27 മേയ് 2020 (UTC)
പിഴവു പറ്റിയതാണ്. ഇപ്പോ ഒഴിവാക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ടല്ലോ?--കണ്ണൻഷൺമുഖം (സംവാദം) 14:37, 27 മേയ് 2020 (UTC)
താങ്കൾക്ക് ഒരു താരകം!
തിരുത്തുകകാര്യനിർവാഹകർക്കുള്ള താരകം | |
വിക്കിപീഡിയ വികസിപ്പിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള താങ്കളുടെ വിലയേറിയ സംഭാവനകൾക്കാണ് ഇത്. താങ്കളെപ്പോലെയുള്ളവരാണ് വിക്കിപീഡിയയുടെ സമ്പത്ത്. നന്ദി. Path slopu (സംവാദം) 06:00, 5 ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 2020 (UTC) |
- Thank You Pathu--കണ്ണൻഷൺമുഖം (സംവാദം) 10:15, 5 ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 2020 (UTC)
വർഗ്ഗം:മലയാള പുസ്തക പ്രസാധകർ നീക്കം ചെയ്യാൻ നിർദ്ദേശിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു
തിരുത്തുകവർഗ്ഗം:മലയാള പുസ്തക പ്രസാധകർ ഒഴിവാക്കാൻ, ലയിപ്പിക്കാൻ, അഥവാ പുനഃനാമകരണം ചെയ്യാൻ നിർദ്ദേശിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു. വർഗ്ഗീകരണ നയങ്ങൾക്കനുസരിച്ചാണോ ഈ നിർദ്ദേശം സൃഷ്ടിച്ചത് എന്നതറിയുവാൻ ഒരു ചർച്ച നടക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. താങ്കൾക്ക് ഈ നിർദ്ദേശത്തെക്കുറിച്ച് അഭിപ്രായം അറിയിക്കുന്നതിനായി ദയവായി ഒഴിവാക്കാൻ സാദ്ധ്യതയുള്ള വർഗ്ഗങ്ങൾ എന്ന താളിൽ വർഗ്ഗത്തിന്റെ വിവരണത്തിൽ താങ്കളുടെ അഭിപ്രായം രേഖപ്പെടുത്തുക. നന്ദി. KG (കിരൺ) 02:59, 22 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 2020 (UTC)
കണ്ണന്തോടത്ത് ജനാർദ്ദനൻ നായർ
തിരുത്തുകകണ്ണന്തോടത്ത് ജനാർദ്ദനൻ നായർ ഈ താളിലെ ജനന തീയതി ഒന്ന് പരിശോധിക്കാമോ? അതു പോലെ ശ്രീമൂലം അസംബ്ലിയാണോ പ്രജാസഭയാണോ എന്ന കാര്യത്തിലും സംശയമുണ്ട്. അസംബ്ലി എന്ന് തിരുത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.--KG (കിരൺ) 21:39, 5 നവംബർ 2020 (UTC)
- ശ്രീമൂലം അസംബ്ലി തന്നെ. ജനനത്തീയതി പരിശോധിക്കാം.--കണ്ണൻഷൺമുഖം (സംവാദം) 08:38, 8 നവംബർ 2020 (UTC
ഈ ചിത്രവും കലയും രണ്ടാണോ, അതോ ഒന്നോ? കുറേ കാലമായി എന്നെറിയാം, എന്തേലും ഓർമ്മവരുന്നുണ്ടോ?--:- എന്ന് - അരയശ്ശേരിൽ സുബ്രഹ്മണ്യപ്പണിക്കർ മനു✆ 11:21, 8 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 2021 (UTC)
- ഗോണ്ട് ചിത്രകലാ ശൈലി എന്നാണ് ഉദ്ദേശിച്ചത്
വിക്കികോൺഫറൻസ് കേരള 2023 ലേക്ക് സ്വാഗതം
പ്രിയ Fotokannan, വിക്കികോൺഫറൻസ് കേരള 2023 പരിപാടിയിൽ പങ്കെടുക്കാനായി താങ്കളെ ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു. മലയാളം വിക്കിപീഡിയയുടെ ഇരുപത്തൊന്നാം ജന്മദിനാഘോഷം 2023 ഡിസംബർ 23 ന് തൃശ്ശൂർ സെന്റ്.തോമസ്സ് കോളേജിൽ വച്ച് വിക്കികോൺഫറൻസ് കേരള 2023ന്റെ ഭാഗമായി സംഘടിപ്പിക്കുകയാണ്. അന്നേ ദിവസം മലയാളം വിക്കിപീഡിയയുടെയും അനുബന്ധപദ്ധതികളുടേയും പ്രവർത്തനങ്ങളും അവലോകനവും ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കുന്നതാണ്. കൂടാതെ സ്വതന്ത്രസോഫ്റ്റ്വയർ, മലയാളം കമ്പ്യൂട്ടിങ്ങ്, ഓപ്പൺ ഡാറ്റ, ഓപ്പൺസ്ട്രീറ്റ്മാപ്പ് തുടങ്ങിയ മേഖലകളിൽ വിക്കിപീഡിയയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടുള്ള പ്രൊജക്റ്റുകളുടെ അവതരണങ്ങളുമുണ്ടാകും.
ഈ പരിപാടിയുടെ ഭാഗമാവാൻ താങ്കളെ ഹാർദ്ദമായി സ്വാഗതം ചെയ്യുന്നു. സംഘാടകസമിതിക്കുവേണ്ടി. -- ❙❚❚❙❙ ജിനോയ് ❚❙❚❙❙ ✉ 17:40, 21 ഡിസംബർ 2023 (UTC) |
Wikimedians of Kerala - March 2024 Newsletter
തിരുത്തുക- User group news
- On 30th March 2024, we had our third user group monthly meeting held online at User Group's Telegram platform.
- Shared updates about the ongoing user group activities and plans for organising some Wiki campaigns.
- Discussed about Wiki loves Earth campaign and usergroup's interest in organising it in India level.
- Discussed about WikiFunctions and members shared updates about their views. (Read more at...)
Eevents & activities
- On-going events & activities supported by User Group
- Indian general election edit-a-thon 2024 has been started on April 15th to create and updated articles in Malayalam Wikipedia related to the Lok Sabha election.
- Astrophotography Campaign 2024
- Book Digitization
- Other news
- User group is planning to participate in Software Collaboration for Wikidata
Upcoming meeting: 27th Arp 2024 - Register for the event
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Gnoeee (talk) 06:18, 21 ഏപ്രിൽ 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
ഇൻഡിക് മീഡിയവിക്കി ഡെവലപ്പേഴ്സ് ഉപയോക്തൃ ഗ്രൂപ്പ്സാ - ങ്കേതിക കൂടിയാലോചനകൾ 2024
വിക്കിമീഡിയ പദ്ധതികളിൽ സംഭാവന നൽകുമ്പോൾ വിവിധ സാങ്കേതിക പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ നേരിടുന്ന കമ്മ്യൂണിറ്റി അംഗങ്ങളുടെ ആവശ്യങ്ങൾ മനസ്സിലാക്കുന്നതിനായി ഇൻഡിക് മീഡിയവിക്കി ഡെവലപ്പേഴ്സ് യൂസർ ഗ്രൂപ്പ് ഒരു കമ്മ്യൂണിറ്റി സാങ്കേതിക കൂടിയാലോചന നടത്തുന്നു. വിക്കിസമൂഹങ്ങളിലുടനീളമുള്ള വെല്ലുവിളികൾ നന്നായി മനസിലാക്കുക, പൊതുവായ പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ മനസിലാക്കുക, ഭാവി സാങ്കേതിക വികസന പ്രവർത്തനങ്ങൾ കാര്യക്ഷമമാക്കുക എന്നിവയാണ് ഇതിന്റെ ലക്ഷ്യം.
താങ്കളുടെ പൊതുവായ പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ, ആശയങ്ങൾ റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യേണ്ട ഒരു സർവേയാണ്. ദയവായി (താങ്കളുടെ ഇഷ്ടമുള്ള ഭാഷയിൽ) സർവേ പൂരിപ്പിക്കുക.
അവസാന തീയതി 2024 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 21 ആണ്.
പ്രവർത്തനത്തെക്കുറിച്ച് കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കാൻ, ദയവായി സന്ദർശിക്കുക:
മുകളിലെ ലിങ്കിൽ സർവേ മലയാളത്തിൽ വായിക്കാൻ ലഭ്യമാണ്.
ഒന്നിലധികം പ്രശ്നങ്ങളോ ആശയങ്ങളോ റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യാൻ താങ്കൾ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നുവെങ്കിൽ ഒന്നിലധികം തവണ താങ്കൾക്ക് സർവേ പൂരിപ്പിക്കാൻ കഴിയും.
താങ്കളുടെ സംഭാവനകൾക്ക് നന്ദി!
സസ്നേഹം, MediaWiki message delivery (സംവാദം) 13:38, 9 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 2024 (UTC) ഇൻഡിക് മീഡിയവിക്കി ഡെവലപ്പർമാരുടെ പേരിൽ
Wikidata weekly summary #644
തിരുത്തുകweek leading up to 2024-09-02. Please help Translate. Missed the previous one?
See issue #643
- Open request for adminship: أمين - RfP scheduled to end 9 September 2024 11:18 (UTC).
- Next: (pt) Auditive Health Project – Workshop Wikipedia and Wikidata 10 September - Expand and contribute to articles and items on Audiology, this event will be held in 3 participating Universities in Brazil. Register on Etherpad.
- Upcoming: The program for the Celtic Knot Conference 2024 is now available to view! Whether you're interested in language preservation, digital tools for minority languages, or simply connecting with like-minded individuals, there's something for everyone. The conference will take place in Waterford City from September 25-27, 2024
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- (de) TIB Blog:The TIB project WikiRemembrance - The aim of the project was to develop a handout on digital culture of remembrance in a collaborative and participatory process. The project will be ending soon and you can register for the closing event (9 Oct 2024).
- Correcting outdated facts in Wikidata - Anj Simmons takes us through an example of finding an outdated or inaccurate fact and correcting it with supporting references.
- Adding citations between existing articles in Wikidata - About a command line tool written in Groovy to enrich Wikidata with citations between journal articles and other research output with DOIs
- Videos
- Wikidata Quality Toolkit: Empowering Wikidata editors and content. Albert Meroño introduces a suite of tools to assist editors by recommending items to edit, detect poorly-supported item references and generating EntitySchemas to find items missing information.
- (ar) Arabic Wikidata Days 2024 - Session 3: SPARQL Query - Houcemeddine Turki introduces how to forumlate and build SPARQL queries in the Wikidata Query Service.
Tool of the week
- User:Teester/CheckShex.js - a Userscript that adds an input box to a Wikidata page wherein you can enter an EntitySchema (such as E10). When you click "Check", it uses pyshexy to validate the entity against the schema and displays whether the entity passes or fails.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- 🔥 Big changes are coming to the #WikidataQueryService. If you query for scholarly articles, please take a look at this announcement!
- Is Shakespeare in German something for you? A digital version of the Schlegel/Tieck edition (Aufbau-Verlag 1975) was released with Wikidata connections. (source)
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes
- denomination (value of a currency or type of currency)
- exponent of base unit (a qualifier of derived from base unit (P12571) used to describe the exponent of the unit)
- game designer (person(s) who devised and developed this game)
- Handwriting exaple (Sample image of the person's handwriting.)
- Newest External identifiers: Illinois Center for the Book author ID, Slekt og Data grave ID, FolkWiki ID, iasj article ID, 365scores football team ID, series ID, All Musicals lyrics ID, MobyGames critic ID, Polygon game ID, Madain Project ID, 365scores basketball player ID, FOLDOC ID, GameFAQs genre ID, Retromags game ID, Nomes e Voces ID, Altar of Gaming company ID, Altar of Gaming franchise ID, Altar of Gaming game ID, Altar of Gaming person ID, Ciel d'oc ID, VideoGameGeek genre ID, GameSpot genre ID, FranceTerme identifier, DOS Game Modding Wiki article ID, monument ID in the archive of Linz, Altar of Gaming character ID, WikiYeshiva article ID, Yediot Books book ID, Mapcarta ID, VIRIN, cnkgraph person ID, Tabletopia game ID, cnkgraph book ID, cnkgraph poem ID, Lexikon der Mathematik entry ID, CNES ID, Tretyakov Gallery artist ID, TV Maze character ID, Say Who ID, Finnish Business ID, Prosocour person ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- Larval host plant (Larval host plant - used only for insects - subclass of P1034)
- has reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the sinogram)
- agent of action & agent class of action & agents of action have role (particular item that initiates this action or class of actions)
- formula weight (molar mass of an empirical forumula unit of a chemical compound, element or isotope)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- initialism (abbreviation containing only first letters of an expression (regardless if pronounced as letters or as a word))
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- magazine capacity (magazine capacity or clip size of this firearm or weapon (real or fictional))
- male mean age (male mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- female mean age (female mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: ACUM IDs, Encyclopedia of Brno History literature ID, Board Game Arena ID, game ID, case id (mainland China), Identifiant dans l'annuaire de l'École des chartes, Trakt episode ID, The Indian Express Topic ID, NWIS site ID, Hindustan Times Topic ID, Biblioteka Nauki IDs, Stadtwiki Karlsruhe ID, organization ID, identifiant Encyclopédie des femmes tunisiennes, LMFDB knowl ID, Athletics New Zealand athlete ID, MinDat Feature ID, BoardGameGeek game mechanic ID, Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV), Ontobee id, game ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: Lexicographical data/Ideas of queries/list of sense properties
- Showcase Items: atheism (Q7066) - absence of belief in the existence of deities; the opposite of theism
- Showcase Lexemes: 𒆠𒅅𒂵𒉘 (L1347328) - Sumerian verb, means 'to love'
- (BREAKING CHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT) Wikidata Query Service graph split available in production; scholarly entity queries require migration by March 2025
- We ported many WikibaseLexeme browser tests from WebdriverIO to Cypress (phab:T355934)
- We’re working on improving the MUL support in the mobile termbox (phab:T373088)
- We’re updating the “label in language” constraint for MUL (phab:T370293)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Canada
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #645
തിരുത്തുകweek leading up to 2024-09-16. Please help Translate. Missed the previous one?
See issue #644
- New requests for permissions/Bot: Framabot 5 - Task: update a typography error in the French description of homonym pages, seen on 1.
- New request for comments: Additional rights for bureaucrats - The proposal suggests allowing Wikidata bureaucrats to remove admin rights, which they currently cannot do, to streamline processes, reduce reliance on stewards, and align with practices of other wikis.
- Proposal: Mul labels - proposal of massive addition - The proposal suggests massively adding "mul" labels to Wikidata items for given and family names, using a bot to streamline the process and reduce redundant labels.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session 17 September, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Session on Tuesday, 17 September, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET (Time zone converter). Christa Strickler will be our first Project Series lead with her joint project with the Wikidata Religion & Theology Community of Practice to contribute biographical data to Wikidata from the IRFA database using the Mix’n’Match tool. We are excited to learn more about this project, provide a forum for discussion and shared learning, and lend a hand while building new skills. Event page: Session 2 (September 17) - Working session using Mix‘n’Match to add Wikidata items
- Wikidata Day 2024 (Seattle) - Agenda: Wikidata Twelfth Birthday, Training and Edit-a-thon. When: Saturday, October 26, from 12:30–4:30pm PDT
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Looking for Aotearoa's next roving Wikipedian, a Wikidata Te Papa research expeditions publication & the Wikidata WikiProject IBC follow-up workshop - The Aotearoa Wikipedian at Large worked with multiple institutions in 2024, contributing to Wikidata by improving museum exhibition models, creating articles, and collaborating on various projects, including biological field trips and entomology, while also engaging with the local Christchurch editing community.
- Wikimedians-in-residence assigned to add lexicographical data of 5 endangered languages of West Bengal - The West Bengal Wikimedians User Group, in collaboration with Jadavpur University, has appointed five linguistics students as Wikimedians-in-residence to add lexicographical data for five endangered languages of West Bengal to Wikidata, contributing to their preservation and digital accessibility.
- Cooperation between National Library and Wikimedia CR was presented at Wikimania 2024 - Wikimedia Czech Republic presented their long-standing collaboration with the National Library at Wikimania 2024, highlighting joint educational and community initiatives, along with additional sessions on media education and successful campaigns during the event.
- Vacancy Wikimedian in Residence for Wikipedia on Aruba - Aruba on Wikipedia project - Wikimedia Nederland is seeking a Wikimedian in Residence for the "Wikipedia on Aruba" project, which aims to make Aruban and Dutch Caribbean culture and heritage accessible on Wikimedia platforms, with applications open until 16 September 2024.
- Presentations: The knowledge graph of Wikidata in the context of the Human Cell Atlas - presentation by Tiago Lubiana (Q90076935) around their PhD defense
- Essay: User:ASarabadani (WMF)/Growth of databases of Wikidata
Tool of the week
- User:Lagewi/references.js - "Sometimes, the data on Wikidata does not answer all your questions. Some types of information are difficult to encode in statements, or simply has not been encoded on Wikidata yet. In such cases, it might be useful to go through the references attached to claims of the entity, for additional information. To simplify this process, this user script lists all unique references based on stated in (P248) and reference URL (P854). The references are listed in a collapsible list below the table of labels and descriptions, collapsed by default to not be obtrusive." To enable it, include the following line in your common.js:
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes
- denomination (value of a currency or type of currency)
- exponent of base unit (a qualifier of derived from base unit (P12571) used to describe the exponent of the unit)
- game designer (person(s) who devised and developed this game)
- handwriting example (sample image of the person's handwriting)
- objects of occurrence have role (role that objects of this occurrence take on in the context of this occurrence. (For selectional restrictions, use "object class of occurrence" (P12913) instead.))
- agents of action have role (role that agents of this action take on in the context of this action. (For selectional restrictions, use "agent class of action" (P12994) instead. ))
- agent class of action (class of items that may initiate this action or class of actions (For roles filled by agents of an action, use "agents of action have role" (P12993) instead))
- agent of action (particular item that initiates this action or class of actions)
- Newest External identifiers: Illinois Center for the Book author ID, Slekt og Data grave ID, FolkWiki ID, iasj article ID, 365scores football team ID, series ID, All Musicals lyrics ID, MobyGames critic ID, Polygon game ID, Madain Project ID, 365scores basketball player ID, FOLDOC ID, GameFAQs genre ID, Retromags game ID, Nomes e Voces ID, Altar of Gaming company ID, Altar of Gaming franchise ID, Altar of Gaming game ID, Altar of Gaming person ID, Ciel d'oc ID, VideoGameGeek genre ID, GameSpot genre ID, FranceTerme identifier, DOS Game Modding Wiki article ID, monument ID in the archive of Linz, Altar of Gaming character ID, WikiYeshiva article ID, Yediot Books book ID, Mapcarta ID, VIRIN, cnkgraph person ID, Tabletopia game ID, cnkgraph book ID, cnkgraph poem ID, Lexikon der Mathematik entry ID, CNES ID, Tretyakov Gallery artist ID, TV Maze character ID, Say Who ID, Finnish Business ID, Prosocour person ID, Stadtwiki Karlsruhe ID, Athletics New Zealand athlete ID, Encyclopedia of Tunisian Women person ID, LMFDB knowl ID, ACUM performer ID, ACUM creator/publisher ID, ACUM Work ID, ACUM album ID, organization ID, Hindustan Times topic ID, Newgrounds submission ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review
- Larval host plant (Larval host plant - used only for insects - subclass of P1034)
- has reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the kanji)
- formula weight (molar mass of an empirical forumula unit of a chemical compound, element or isotope)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- initialism (abbreviation containing only first letters of an expression (regardless if pronounced as letters or as a word))
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- magazine capacity (magazine capacity or clip size of this firearm or weapon (real or fictional))
- male mean age (male mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- female mean age (female mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- publication type of scholarly article (Publication type of scholarly article)
- characteristic of ((qualifier only) statement value is a characteristic, quality, property, or state of this item)
- Political foundation (The property allows a link between a political party (usually) and its related political foundation, as is common in Germany, in the Netherlands or at the European level. The reverse property ("political party" or "political party affiliation", still different from P102 which is for individual membership) would be useful too.)
- Medietilsynets filmdatabase ()
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Encyclopedia of Brno History literature ID, Board Game Arena ID, game ID, case id (mainland China), Identifiant dans l'annuaire de l'École des chartes, Trakt episode ID, The Indian Express Topic ID, NWIS site ID, Biblioteka Nauki IDs, MinDat Feature ID, BoardGameGeek game mechanic ID, Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV), Ontobee id, journal ID, LWW journal ID, BioMed Central journal ID, Storia della civiltà europea ID, NooSFere editorial collection ID, e-LIS ID, Dictionnaire des guérilleros et résistants antifranquistes ID, Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia ID, ID, FightTime fighters ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Map of Karens / Johns per million according to Wikidata
- People with a connection to Dresden who have an anniversary today (source)
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Wikibooks pages - The goal is to add Wikidata items for every Wikibooks page.
- Couchdb - This project has the purpose to investigate how having Wikidata on CouchDb could work.
- Temporärhaus - This project is intended to document the activities in the temporaerhaus (Q27945856) with reference to Wikidata.
- WikiProject Highlights: Ontology/Cleaning Task Force/Changes - Significant actual and proposed changes to the Wikidata ontology that have come out of the cleaning task force efforts.
- Newest database reports: Wikidata Statements that use a retracted article as reference
- Showcase Items: Among Us (Q96417649) - 2018 video game developed by InnerSloth
- Showcase Lexemes: ਕਰਨ (L45436) - Punjabi verb "to do"
- The development team attended the annual WMDE Software Department retreat, so there wasn't much development activity this week.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikimedians of Kerala - August 2024 Newsletter
തിരുത്തുക- User group news
- On 17th August 2024, we had our user group monthly meeting held online at Jitsi platform.
- User:Gnoeee and User:Ranjithsiji shared their experience in attending Wikimania 2024 at Katowice, Poland from Kerala. The other known Malayali Wikimedians attended this years Wikimania in-person are User:Mujeebcpy, User:Jsamwrites and User:Leaderboard
- User:Ranjithsiji presented a talk on Schoolwiki project and presented the poster describing activities of Wikimedians of Kerala UG. User:Gnoeee presented the poster describing the activities of OpenDataKerala community.
- User:Ranjithsiji and User:Mujeebcpy worked on a tool named 'Vcutcli' to create small videos by cutting a large video using starting and ending timestamps during Wikimania.
- User:Gnoeee shared updates about the Wiki Loves Onam 2024 campaign. The photography campaign in Wikimedia Commons and Edit-a-thon in Malayalam Wikipedia was discussed.
- Discussed about organising Wikidata Birthday celebration and Wikimedians of Kerala Annual Meetup this year.
- Discussed about the IndiaFOSS 2024 event at Bangalore and two representatives of User-group was planned to attend the event.
- Community members are encouraged to apply for Train the Trainer (TTT) 2024, which will be held in Odisha.
- Community members User:Gnoeee, User:Irshadpp, User:Manojk and User:Ranjithsiji shared their selection to participate in the Wiki Technology Summit taking place on 4th and 5th Oct at Hyderabad. (Read more...)
Events & activities
- On-going events & activities supported by User Group
- Astrophotography Campaign 2024
- Book Digitization
- Wiki Loves Onam 2024 - the photography campaign at Wikimedia Commons
- Wiki Loves Onam 2024 - Edit-a-thon at Malayalam Wikipedia
Upcoming meeting: 21st September 2024 - Register for the event
This message was sent with MediaWiki message delivery (സംവാദം) by Gnoeee (talk) on 12:34, 19 സെപ്റ്റംബർ 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikidata Weekly Summary #647
week leading up to 2024-09-30. Please help Translate. Missed the previous one?
See issue #646</translate>
<translate>Discussions</translate> <translate>* Closed request for adminship: Andrei Stroe - Success! Welcome User:Andrei Stroe as Wikidata's latest Admin.
- New requests for permissions/Bot: QichwaBot - Task(s): Creating wikidata lexemes for the Quechua languages.
- Closed request for comments: Do we want automatic inverse statement creation and if so, how should they happen? - Closed due to lack of comments for longer than five years. Despite multiple suggestions, there is no clear consensus to move forward.</translate>
<translate>Events</translate> <translate>* Wikidata's 12th birthday is coming up on October 29th. Have a look at the birthday parties and more planned around the world.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session 1 October, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Session on Tuesday, 1 October, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET (Time zone converter). Christa Strickler will be our first Project Series lead with her joint project with the Wikidata Religion & Theology Community of Practice to contribute biographical data to Wikidata from the IRFA database using the Mix’n’Match tool. We are excited to learn more about this project, provide a forum for discussion and shared learning, and lend a hand while building new skills. Event page.</translate>
<translate>Press, articles, blog posts, videos</translate> <translate>* Papers
- A Systematic Review of Wikidata in GLAM Institutions: a Labs Approach - Presents a systematic review of Wikidata use in GLAM institutions within the context of the work of the International GLAM Labs Community ( The results summarise academic literature on Wikidata projects. By G. Candela et al.
- (es) Wikidata course in Spanish: Data for collaborative knowledge - Throughout October, the WikiLearn platform is hosting a course on Wikidata aimed especially at Latin Americans. Enroll here.
- Project SHADOW: Symbolic Higher-order Associative Deductive reasoning On Wikidata using LM probing - SHADOW is a fine-tuned language model trained on an intermediate task using associative deductive reasoning, its performance is measured on a knowledge base construction task using Wikidata triple completion. By Hanna Abi Akl.
- Using Wikidata for Managing Cultural Heritage Information - The present study uses model wikidata elements as a basis and explores its dynamic formation into a cultural heritage information management tool within a museum. By D. Kyriaki-Manessi and S. Vazaiou.
- Enriching Archival Linked Data Descriptions with Information from Wikidata and DBpedia - This paper investigates the potential to use information in archival records in a larger context for ArchOnto and aims to leverage classes and properties sourced from repositories deemed informal due to their crowd-sourcing nature. By I. Koch et al.
- A framework for integrating biomedical knowledge in Wikidata with open biological and biomedical ontologies and MeSH keywords - This paper utilizes primary data sources of OBO ontologies and MeSH keywords classified using SPARQL queries for RDF knowledge graphs, to contribute to the robustness and accuracy of collaborative biomedical knowledge graphs. By H. Turki et al.
- Videos
- Serbian Novels on Wikidata: Project wikiELTeC & Tesla Part of Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2024 in İstanbul, this session presented by Filip Maljković charts progress on contributing Serbian literature to Wikidata.
- Dataviz
- Find your most famous neighbour, a world map of notable people based on Wikipedia and Wikidata.</translate>
<translate>Tool of the week</translate> <translate>* Three new Userscripts for Wikidata - User:Lagewi has written 3 scripts to simplify reading references, explore property-value pairs in use for a statement or attaching a full bibliography to the end of the item page.</translate>
<translate>Other Noteworthy Stuff</translate> <translate>* OpenSactions:Wikidata Persons in Relevant Categories - Using PETScan, generates a list of profiles of politically exposed persons by querying specific categories on Wikidata and extracting the entities.</translate>
<translate>Newest properties and property proposals to review</translate>
- <translate>Newest properties:</translate>
- <translate>General datatypes: </translate>
- game designer (person(s) who devised and developed this game)
- handwriting example (sample image of the person's handwriting)
- objects of occurrence have role (role that objects of this occurrence take on in the context of this occurrence. (For selectional restrictions, use "object class of occurrence" (P12913) instead.))
- agents of action have role (role that agents of this action take on in the context of this action. (For selectional restrictions, use "agent class of action" (P12994) instead. ))
- agent class of action (class of items that may initiate this action or class of actions (For roles filled by agents of an action, use "agents of action have role" (P12993) instead))
- agent of action (particular item that initiates this action or class of actions)
- <translate>External identifiers: </translate>Altar of Gaming character ID, WikiYeshiva article ID, Yediot Books book ID, Mapcarta ID, VIRIN, cnkgraph person ID, Tabletopia game ID, cnkgraph book ID, cnkgraph poem ID, Lexikon der Mathematik entry ID, CNES ID, Tretyakov Gallery artist ID, TV Maze character ID, Say Who ID, Finnish Business ID, Prosocour person ID, Stadtwiki Karlsruhe ID, Athletics New Zealand athlete ID, Encyclopedia of Tunisian Women person ID, LMFDB knowl ID, ACUM performer ID, ACUM creator/publisher ID, ACUM Work ID, ACUM album ID, organization ID, Hindustan Times topic ID, Newgrounds submission ID, Storia della civiltà europea ID, Encyclopedia of Brno History literature ID, Linked Open Vocabularies ID, Ontobee ID, journal ID, NooSFere editorial collection ID, ID, Dictionary of guerrillas and anti-Franco resistance fighters ID, e-LIS publication ID, GameReactor company ID
- <translate>General datatypes: </translate>
<translate>* New property proposals to review:</translate> <translate>** General datatypes: </translate>
- Larval host plant (Larval host plant - used only for insects - subclass of P1034)
- has reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the kanji)
- chemical formula (Description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- magazine capacity (In (real or fictional) devices like a firearm, weapon, or engineered thing, this is the default capacity or size of a devices' magazine, clip, or other container typically used to hold ammunition, bolts, cartridges, tools, etc. which pushes those items as needed usually through a spring-based mechanism into a receiver for further use by the device)
- male mean age (male mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- female mean age (female mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- publication type of scholarly article (Publication type of scholarly article)
- characteristic of ((qualifier only) statement value is a characteristic, quality, property, or state of this item)
- Medietilsynets filmdatabase (identifier for a film in the Norwegian Medietilsynets database)
- Western Australian Biographical Index (Card ID from the Western Australian Biographical Index, a set of handwritten index cards compiled in the 1970s.)
- leased to (person or organisation that holds or was granted a lease on the subject)
- WPBSA com player ID (Identifier for an athlete on the main website of WPBSA)
- JLPT level (difficulty of word by the level of JLPT)
<translate>** External identifiers:</translate> case id (mainland China), NWIS site ID, Biblioteka Nauki IDs, LWW journal ID, BioMed Central journal ID, Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia ID, FightTime fighters ID, Korean Basketball League ID, Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet, Chinese Basketball Association ID2, Koha Kütüphane ID, MyWaifuList character ID, FantLab artist ID, Münzkabinett, Latgales dati person ID, identifiant inventaire Grand Est, RedBA Granada authority ID, musician ID, HA! ID, Identifiant Radio France d'une émission, Identifiant France Télévisions d'une émission, beniabbandonati ID, DDB person ID, European Parliament document ID, Hlídač státu subject ID, Kramerius of Czech Digital Library UUID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense ID, Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom and early New Kingdom person ID, Cihai encyclopedia entry ID, Cihai dictionary entry ID, Duocet Wiki of Plants ID
<translate>You can comment on all open property proposals!</translate>
<translate>Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Newest database reports: Popular_items_without_claims
- Showcase Lexemes: هُئَڻُ L1126190 Sindhi verb (to be)</translate>
- Search: The haswbstatement search magic word has been improved by the Search Platform Team. Previously it was limited in which Properties were indexed for it. Going forward haswbstatement:P123 will work for all Properties, regardless of their datatype. This will allow you to filter search results for Items that have a statement with a specific Property. (Searching for a specific complete statement with haswbstatement:P123=xxx will still only work for specific datatypes.) For this to work all Items have to be reindexed and this will take up to 1 month.
- Design system migration: We have migrated the Special:NewLexeme page from Wikit to Codex and are working on finishing the migration for the Query Builder.
- EntitySchemas: We finished the investigation about how to support search for EntitySchemas by label or alias when linking to an EntitySchema in a statement. (phab:T362005)
- Wikibase REST API: We worked on integrating language fallbacks into the API (phab:T371605)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.</translate>
<translate>Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!</translate>
Wikidata weekly summary #648
week leading up to 2024-10-07. Please help Translate. Missed the previous one?
See issue #647</translate>
<translate>Events</translate> <translate>* Upcoming:
- Wikidata Day 2024 at the Pratt Institute Manhattan Campus, New York - To celebrate Wikidata's 12th Birthday, a mini-conference with beginner workshops, lightning talks and keynote speeches will be held. October 26, 11am - 5pm EDT (UTC-4). More info, registration and full address on this Wikipedia event page.
- The Wikidata Days 2024 in Bologna, Italy will take place on November 8th and 9th. Its program revolves around Wikidata for libraries and academia, and features a wide range of Wikidata-enthusiastic librarians and researchers from Italy. Registration is open until October 31st.
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16th October 2024 at 18:00 CEST in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Scholia hackathon on Oct 18-20, aimed at addressing changes related to the Wikidata graph split
- Intangible Cultural Heritage on Wikidata - Hosted by Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM), November 8, 2024 18:00 - 19:00 CEST, Malta Fairs and Conference Centre (MFCC) in Ta’ Qali, Malta
- Edit-A-Thon: 50 States of Comics - Ohio, take part in this virtual event held October 10, 10:00 - 16:00 EST (UTC-5).</translate>
<translate>Press, articles, blog posts, videos</translate> <translate>* Blogs
- Wikidata is a giant crosswalk file describes how with a little DuckDB and Ruby and data from Wikidata, you can produce a cross-walk file of geographic entities.
- Videos
- (ru) Wikidata Reconciliation Service - This video shows how to add QID's to a large number of person-entities, add descriptions and search by full name and years of life. Wikidata reconciliation for OR (Script: Github:Podbrushkin)
- (fr) Data recovery on Wikidata for the DataViz project - PhilippGam presents the various methods to extract and sort data from Wikidata and use the wikidataMultiSearch tool.
- Bridging the Digital Scriptorium Data Model and Wikidata to Expand Reuse of Manuscript Metadata Rose McCandless gives this lighning talk at the LD4 2024 Conference.
- Notebooks
<translate>Tool of the week</translate>
- (fr) wikidata MultiSearch - search for a list of elements in Wikidata. A GPLv3 licenced tool built by Philippe Gambette allows you to search for a list of words in Wikidata and retrieve some associated Wikidata properties.
<translate>Other Noteworthy Stuff</translate>
- Are you building applications or services with Wikidata's data? We'd love to hear from you to help us figure out the future of accessing Wikidata's data.
- Wikidata: Event Organizers - If you are organizing or thinking about planning a Wikidata event, this new page listing the additional User rights the user-role 'event organizer' has will be a valuable resource. Including the process for applying for permission rights.
<translate>Newest properties and property proposals to review</translate>
<translate>* Newest properties:
- General datatypes:</translate>
- handwriting example (sample image of the person's handwriting)
- objects of occurrence have role (role that objects of this occurrence take on in the context of this occurrence. (For selectional restrictions, use "object class of occurrence" (P12913) instead.))
- agents of action have role (role that agents of this action take on in the context of this action. (For selectional restrictions, use "agent class of action" (P12994) instead. ))
- agent class of action (class of items that may initiate this action or class of actions (For roles filled by agents of an action, use "agents of action have role" (P12993) instead))
- agent of action (particular item that initiates this action or class of actions)
- characteristic of ((qualifier only) statement value is a characteristic, quality, property, or state of this qualifier value)
- has kanji reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the kanji)
- publication type of scholarly work (Publication type of scholarly work)
- leased to (person or organisation that holds or was granted a lease on the subject)
- magazine capacity (number of projectiles or objects in the magazine feeding a weapon or tool)
- General datatypes:</translate>
<translate>** External identifiers:</translate> Finnish Business ID, Prosocour person ID, Stadtwiki Karlsruhe ID, Athletics New Zealand athlete ID, Encyclopedia of Tunisian Women person ID, LMFDB knowl ID, ACUM performer ID, ACUM creator/publisher ID, ACUM Work ID, ACUM album ID, organization ID, Hindustan Times topic ID, Newgrounds submission ID, Storia della civiltà europea ID, Encyclopedia of Brno History literature ID, Linked Open Vocabularies ID, Ontobee ID, journal ID, NooSFere editorial collection ID, ID, Dictionary of guerrillas and anti-Franco resistance fighters ID, e-LIS publication ID, GameReactor company ID, Latgales dati person ID, FantLab artist ID, RedBA Granada authority ID, NWIS site ID, band ID, Koha Kütüphane ID, HA! artwork ID, France television program ID, Radio France program ID, Grand Est inventory ID, Norwegian Media Authority's film rating ID, Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia ID, Münzkabinett ID, MyWaifuList character ID, Kramerius of Czech Digital Library UUID, European Parliament document ID, Western Australian Biographical Index, beniabbandonati (detailed sheet) ID, beniabbandonati (summary sheet) ID, Biblioteka Nauki article ID, Biblioteka Nauki journal ID, Biblioteka Nauki book ID, Biblioteka Nauki publisher ID, PNM Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom person ID, DDB person ID <translate>* New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:</translate>
- Larval host plant (Larval host plant - used only for insects - subclass of P1034)
- chemical formula (Description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- male mean age (male mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- female mean age (female mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- WPBSA com player ID (Identifier for an athlete on the main website of WPBSA)
- JLPT level (difficulty of word by the level of JLPT)
- beer style (Classification of a beer based on its style)
- has forks (Notable software forks of this software)
- Monument Counter ID (Digital memorial for women killed by violence)
- General datatypes:</translate>
<translate>** External identifiers:</translate> case id (mainland China), BioMed Central journal ID, FightTime fighters ID, Korean Basketball League ID, Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet, Chinese Basketball Association ID2, KISTI institute ID, Hlídač státu subject ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense Person ID, Cihai encyclopedia entry ID, Cihai dictionary entry ID, Duocet Wiki of Plants ID, Dwelly entry ID, Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource ID, A digital concordance of the R̥gveda ID, ID, Identifiant CIRDOC d'un auteur ou d'une autrice, Identifiant CIRDOC d'un document, Department of Defense Identification Code, Identifiant d'un document audiovisuel dans le catalogue de l'Inathèque, LWW journal ID, BAHRA ID, World Historical Gazetteer place ID, Diccionario biográfico de Castilla-La Mancha ID, AniSearch person ID, identifiant Babelio d'un sujet, Identifiant d'une personne sur Madelen, ITTF PTT ID, Push Square series ID, VG247 series ID, person ID
<translate>You can comment on all open property proposals!</translate>
<translate>Did you know?
- Query examples:</translate>
<translate>* Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject Highlights:
- Lingnan University Library: Wikidata Pilot Project - Creating and improving entries for Lingnan University academic staff, as well as generating entries for the Library's digital collections and Lingnan theses and dissertations.
- French Literary Prizes - Aims to coordinate the development of a database on French literary prizes (list of prizes, jury members, list of winners)
- Cycling: 2025 Races - documenting the the planned Cycling races for 2025.
- Newest database reports: Abuse filter effectiveness - This DB report compiles a variety of statistics on combating vandalism.</translate>
- Data access:
- We have published a survey to better understand the future needs of application developers who want to work with Wikidata's data. Please take part if you are developing applications or services using data from Wikidata.
- We are analyzing query logs to better understand which queries could be moved to other services in the future.
- Design system: We continued migrating the Query Builder and Special:NewLexeme from Wikit to Codex</translate>
<translate>You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.</translate>
<translate>Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!</translate>
Wikimedians of Kerala - September 2024 Newsletter
തിരുത്തുക- User group news
- On 21st Sept 2024, we had our user group monthly meeting held online at Jitsi platform.
- User:Gnoeee started the meetup welcoming everyone and shared the agenta for this months meetup as listed in the event page.
- User:Ranjithsiji shared the UG's grant proposal details and the plans for upcoming months.
- User:Ranjithsiji shared his experience in attending IndiaFOSS along with Naveen Francis. Both of them represented the reperentative of Wikimedians of Kerala UG at IndiaFOSS. User:Gnooee's workshop on OpenRefine has been accepted for IndiaFOSS, but due to his absence for personal reasons the workshop was taken by User:Ranjithsiji and Ayushi, an Outreachy intern who has worked with the OpenRefine team.
- User:Gnoeee has been reminded about the last date to submit the Technical Consultations form that was shared in the Village pump, mailing list and other social media platforms.
- User:Gnoeee shared updates about the Wiki Loves Onam 2024 campaign.
- Discussed about organising Wikidata Birthday celebration and Wikimedians of Kerala Annual Meetup this year.
- User:Ranjithsiji shared an update about the online workshop 'Introduction to Wikipedia' he did for SFLC Delhi.
- The Sacharam project idea was discussed. Participants mentioned it would good to discuss with the person who proposed it in the next meeting.
- User:Tonynirappathu shared update about his Book Digitization work.
- Shared the discussion that is going on about the planned WCI 2025
Events & activities
- On-going events & activities supported by User Group
Upcoming meeting: 12th October 2024 - Register for the event
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Gnoeee (talk) on 18:37, 8 ഒക്ടോബർ 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Translation request
തിരുത്തുകHello, Fotokannan.
Can you translate and upload the article about the prominent Turkish economist en:Dani Rodrik in Malayalam Wikipedia?
Yours sincerely, Oirattas (സംവാദം) 15:44, 14 ഒക്ടോബർ 2024 (UTC)
- Done--കണ്ണൻഷൺമുഖം (സംവാദം) 16:30, 14 ഒക്ടോബർ 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you very much for the new article! Oirattas (സംവാദം) 17:19, 14 ഒക്ടോബർ 2024 (UTC)
- Done--കണ്ണൻഷൺമുഖം (സംവാദം) 16:30, 14 ഒക്ടോബർ 2024 (UTC)
Wikimedians of Kerala - November 2024 Newsletter
തിരുത്തുക- User group news
- On 9th Nov 2024, we had our user group monthly meeting held online at Google meet. 15 members attended the meeting.
- User:Gnoeee started the meeting welcoming everyone to the meeting and shared the agenda for this months meetup.
- User:Gnoeee shared the updates about Wiki Loves Onam Video documentation, that features a collection of 10 videos documented in Commons that capture key events and customs associated with the festival.
- User Gnoeee shared the update about the selection of the Kochi venue for the WikiConference India 2025 bid proposal submitted by the User Group.
- User:Irvin calicut shared an update of Wiki Loves Birds in India photography campaign dedicated to celebrating and documenting the remarkable avian biodiversity across India.
- User:Gnoeee shared his experience participating in WikiArabia 2024 and providing training on OpenRefine to the participants. He also shared an update on his discussion with User:VSj (WMF) during the event about the Sancharam project.
- User:Akhilan shared the update on പള്ളിക്കൂടത്തിലേക്ക് വീണ്ടും (Back to School) campaign which focus to digitize old Malayalam textbooks in Malayalam Wikisource. Members User:Tonynirappathu and User:Manoj also part of the discussion of the project.
- User:Ranjithsiji and User:Gnoeee shared the update on celebrating Wikidata's 12th Birthday in collabration with OSM community during SoTM Kerala 2024 event.
- User:Athulvis shared his experience in attending TTT 2024 at Bhubaneswar.
- User:Ranjithsiji and User:Gnoeee shared the update on submitting Grant proposal for organsing User group events and collabrating with other communities.
- User:Ranjithsiji shared the update on starting a workspace page at Phabricator for UG.
- User:Ranjithsiji shared the update on bringing Wikivoyage Malayalam out of the Incubator. User:Gnoeee also invloved in the discussion about the futhur plans that needs to be carried out. (Read more at)
- Other news
- User:Athulvis, User:Gnoeee and User:Ranjithsiji got selected to attend Indic Wikimedia Hackathon organized by Indic MediaWiki Developers User Group in collaboration with the Odia Wikimedians User Group that is being hosted at Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Events & activities
- On-going events & activities supported by User Group
- Astrophotography Campaign 2024
- എന്റെ ഗ്രാമം 2024 (My Village 2024) - Edit-a-thon in Malayalam Wikipedia.
Upcoming meeting: Annual General Body Meetup 2024 - 29th December 2024 - Register for the event
This message was sent with MediaWiki message delivery (സംവാദം) by Gnoeee (talk) on 03:53, 21 ഡിസംബർ 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikidata weekly summary #659
തിരുത്തുകweek leading up to 2024-12-23. Missed the previous one? See issue #658
- New request for comments:
- P518 scope - Should scope of league or competition (P118) include forms and aspects?
- Trying to get a consensus on English label for Q30 -- "United States of America" vs "United States"
- Ongoing: Wikidata Cleanup 2024 - Romaine continues his initiative, "Wikidata Cleanup," to coordinate community efforts in addressing the problem of items missing basic properties during the last ten days of 2024, when many users have extra time due to holidays. The aim is to improve data quality by focusing on ensuring all items have essential properties like "instance of" (P31) or "subclass of" (P279), adding relevant country and location data, and maintaining consistency within item series.
- Upcoming events: Data Reuse Days - online event focusing on projects using Wikidata's data, 18-27 February 2025. You can submit a proposal for the program on the talk page until January 12th.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Exploring YouTube Channels Via Wikidata, by Tara Calishain. "This time I'm playing with a way to browse YouTube channels while using Wikidata as context. And you can try it too, because it doesn't need any API keys!"
- Wikidata Items "described at URL" domain ranked list, by Magnus Manske
- Papers: Finding Female Film Editors in Wikidata: How to Query and Visualize Filmographic Records
- Videos: How to link a Wikipedia article to Wikidata (Spanish)
Tool of the week
- Flying Dehyphenator is an Ordia game. Given the start part of a word, use the spacebar to move the word and hit the next part of the word. Only hyphenations described with the Unicode hyphenation character work.
- Want a wrap of your Wikidata activities in 2024? Wiki Year In Review has it for you! (use for the project URL)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikibase/Suite-Contributing-Guide: Wikibase Suite's contributing guide has been published. This guide aims to help anyone who wants to contribute and make sure they are equipped with all the relevant information to do so.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- bequest income (the sum a organisations receives from bequests/legacies in a timeframe)
- taxon known by this common name (taxon item of which this common name refers)
- homonymous taxon (taxon item of which the taxon name is an exact homonym)
- role named as (use as qualifier to indicate how the object's role was named in the credits of its respective work)
- meeting of (subject is a meeting or session of this organization)
- Newest External identifiers: product ID, PUG authority ID, Three Decks class ID, Vidas author ID, Usito ID, ZSL authority ID, Collectie Nederland ID, Hachette author ID, CamerounWeb person ID, Hindi Shabdamitra entry ID, OpenSSF Practices ID, Japanese Health Insurance System Facility ID, Centre d'Etudes Picasso ID, CUATM statistical code, CUATM unique identification code, JudaicaLink person (GND) ID, national team ID, Eyrolles author ID, Mémoire des avocats ID, BCU Kirundi-English Dictionary ID, Estonian–Latvian Dictionary ID, WHL player ID, Indo-European Lexicon ID, game ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- About box (Screenshot of the About Box of the respective software (contains important information such as authors, license, version number and year(s) and is included in almost every software))
- nonprofit tax status (country specific tax status of organisations like non-profits)
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of wich this item is the taxonomic type)
- World Heritage type (Propriety of World heritage site : the Type (Cultural, Natural, Mixed))
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- number of shading units (Number of shading units in a graphics card.)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Three Decks conflict ID, Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), Newmark Albanian-English Dictionary ID, Norsk oversettterleksikon ID, match ID, Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua ID, Berlinische Galerie object ID, Singapore Unique Entity Number, Lyricfind artist ID, HonestGamers game ID, identifiant MACM d'un artisite, Syrian Memory person ID, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur le site Mille ans de littérature d'oc, Paris Match ID, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga, identifiant Registre national des gels, DOSBox Wiki, Identifiant Cimetières de France, Ech-Chaab tag ID, Amsterdam Monumentenstad ID, Kyiv Independent Topic, Lutris company ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, Nafziger Order of Battle ID, National Football stadium ID, Play:Right genre ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Comprehensive Historical Dictionary of Ladino entry ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Russian Football National League player ID, Gaia ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Wellcome Collection concept ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- WikiProject Highlights: Nonprofit Organizations/Japan
- Newest database reports: Items with a sitelink to Dutch Wikipedia and have no P31 and/or P279 (source) (replace 2x the "nl" into the language code of your language)
- Showcase Items: Boeing (Q66) - American global aerospace and defense corporation
- Showcase Lexemes: julehilsen - Christmas greeting in Danish
- With the winter holidays upon us, the development team is taking a break, and there will be no deployments for Wikidata during this time.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country:
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Weekly Summary #660
തിരുത്തുകweek leading up to 2024-12-30. Missed the previous one? See issue #659
Welcome to 2023’s Final Weekly Summary!
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the newsletter this year! 🎉 Each of your contributions, whether big or small, has made a difference and has helped us create a vibrant and informative resource for the Wikidata community. 🙏 Let's continue building and sharing knowledge together in the coming year! 🙌✨
- Open request for oversight: Ameisenigel (RfP scheduled to end at 6 January 2025 21:52 UTC)
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers
- Library Data in Wikimedia Projects: Case Study from the Czech Republic by Jansová, L., Maixnerová, L., & Š´tastná, P. (2024). "The paper outlines the collaboration between the National Library of the Czech Republic and Wikimedia since 2006, focusing on linking authority records with Wikipedia articles and training librarians and users. By 2023, the National Library provided most of its databases under a CC0 license, launched a "Wikimedians in Residence" program, and collaborated on projects involving linked data and using authority records in Wikidata. This partnership has enhanced their cooperation for mutual benefit, identifying key factors for their successful long-term collaboration."
- How have you modelled my gender? Reconstructing the history of gender representation in Wikidata by Melis, B., Fioravanti, M., Paolini, C., & Metilli, D. (2024). "The paper traces the evolution of gender representation in Wikidata, showing how the community has moved from a binary interpretation of gender to a more inclusive model for trans and non-binary identities. The Wikidata Gender Diversity project (WiGeDi) timeline highlights the significant changes influenced by external historical events and the community's increased understanding of gender complexity."
- Videos: Arabic Wikidata Days 2024 - Data Science Course - First Practical Session: Wikibase-CLI Tool (part 1, part 2) by Saeed Habishan. "The Wikibase-CLI enables command-based interaction with Wikidata using shell scripts and JavaScript. The tool runs on NodeJS and enables automatic reading and editing of Wikidata."
Tool of the week
- WikiORA - is a tool designed for gene over-representation analysis. It integrates data from Wikidata, Wikipedia, Gene Ontology, and PanglaoDB to help researchers identify significantly enriched gene sets in their data.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- bequest income (the sum a organisations receives from bequests/legacies in a timeframe)
- taxon known by this common name (taxon item of which this common name refers)
- homonymous taxon (taxon item of which the taxon name is an exact homonym)
- role named as (use as qualifier to indicate how the object's role was named in the credits of its respective work)
- meeting of (subject is a meeting or session of this organization)
- Newest External identifiers: product ID, PUG authority ID, Three Decks class ID, Vidas author ID, Usito ID, ZSL authority ID, Collectie Nederland ID, Hachette author ID, CamerounWeb person ID, Hindi Shabdamitra entry ID, OpenSSF Practices ID, Japanese Health Insurance System Facility ID, Centre d'Etudes Picasso ID, CUATM statistical code, CUATM unique identification code, JudaicaLink person (GND) ID, national team ID, Eyrolles author ID, Mémoire des avocats ID, BCU Kirundi-English Dictionary ID, Estonian–Latvian Dictionary ID, WHL player ID, Indo-European Lexicon ID, game ID, Singapore Unique Entity Number, AniSearch character ID, Three Decks conflict ID, Berlinische Galerie object ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- About box (Screenshot of the About Box of the respective software (contains important information such as authors, license, version number and year(s) and is included in almost every software))
- nonprofit tax status (country specific tax status of organisations like non-profits)
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of which this item is the taxonomic type)
- World Heritage type (Propriety of World heritage site : the Type (Cultural, Natural, Mixed))
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- number of shading units (Number of shading units in a graphics card.)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- Maximum beam energy (Maximum beam energy of a particle accelerator)
- Accused of (Crime or other misdeed a person has been accused of, but ''not proven or convicted'')
- hat gespendet (Amount of money donated to a person or organization)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), Newmark Albanian-English Dictionary ID, Norsk oversettterleksikon ID, player id, match ID, Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua ID, Lyricfind artist ID, HonestGamers game ID, identifiant MACM d'un artisite, Syrian Memory person ID, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur le site Mille ans de littérature d'oc, Paris Match ID, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga, identifiant Registre national des gels, DOSBox Wiki, Identifiant Cimetières de France, Ech-Chaab tag ID, Amsterdam Monumentenstad ID, Kyiv Independent Topic, Lutris company ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, Nafziger Order of Battle ID, National Football stadium ID, Play:Right genre ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Comprehensive Historical Dictionary of Ladino entry ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Russian Football National League player ID, Gaia ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Wellcome Collection concept ID, Spanish-German Dictionary ID, UAF match ID, Identifiant d'un(e) journaliste sur Francetvinfo, Game Vortex software ID, VG247 game ID, identifiant Pappers d'un dirigeant, Database of Canada's Early Women Writers ID, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory ID, Mishramilan catalog ID, ID, Cinema Belgica venue ID, Cinema Belgica person ID, Cinema Belgica film ID, Cinema Belgica company ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) ID, Hankook Ilbo tag ID, Rijksmuseum ID, SOIUSA code, myCast work ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Uganda - aims to be a central hub for the curation of any and all items (biographical, cultural, geographical, organisational, etc...) relating to Uganda (Q1036)
- WikiProject Highlights:
- Narration/Folktales - creation of Items for motifs described in Thompson's motif index completed
- Austria - concerns itself with improving data from nonprofit organizations in Austria
- Newest database reports: Deleted Wikidata entities used in SDC
- Showcase Items: Wressle Castle (Q8037764) - late 14th-century quadrangular castle in East Yorkshire, England, UK
- Showcase Lexemes: ਲੇਟਣ (L750580) - in Punjabi (pa) and "لیٹݨ" in Punjabi Shahmukhi (pnb) transliterate to "Leṭaṇ," which means "to lie down" or "to rest" in English.
- Most of the development team staff are still taking a break, so no development happened.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Liechtenstein
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #661
തിരുത്തുകweek leading up to 2025-01-06. Missed the previous one? See issue #660
- New request for comments: Constraints for Germanies - Following from a property discussion on P17 (German non-states), this RfC aims to find consensus on how to apply constraints that exclude items of historical periods in German history.
- Workshop: Lexicography and linguistic sustainability - Mirandese documentation using Wikidata This Portuguese-language workshop takes place Thursday 16 January, 10:00 - 17:00, Room 208, 206 at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto.
- Please submit your proposals for the Data Reuse Days online event until January 12th. See current proposals on the talk page and here's some ideas to inspire you: presentations/demos of tools using Wikidata's data (10mins Lightning Talk presentations), discussions and presentations connecting Wikidata editors with reusers and/or explanations and demos on how to use a specific part of the technical infrastructure to reuse Wikidata's data (APIs, dumps, etc.).
- Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team --January 8, 2025. The Search Platform Team holds monthly meetings to discuss anything related to Wikimedia search, Wikidata Query Service (WDQS), Wikimedia Commons Query Service (WCQS), etc.! Time: 16:00-17:00 UTC / 08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 17:00 CET
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 17:00 UTC, 15th January 2025 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Wiki Workshop 2025 Announcement and Call for Papers. Submission deadline: March 9, 2025 (23:59 AoE)
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs: (fr) female authors with male pseudonyms, blog post by Le Deuxième Texte including SPARQL queries to find female authors with male pseudonyms.
- Websites :Global Dementia and Risk Factors, website by 'Students at the Maastricht Science Programme', includes data visualizations of the prevalence and current treatments of dementia across the world. It utilises data extracted as SPARQL Endpoints from Wikidata.
- Papers
- Ontology-grounded Automatic Knowledge Graph Construction by LLM under Wikidata schema - This paper proposes an ontology-driven approach to KG construction using LLMs where competency questions guide ontology creation and relation extraction, leveraging Wikidata for semantic consistency. A scalable pipeline minimizes human effort while producing high-quality, interpretable KGs interoperable with Wikidata for knowledge base expansion. By Xiaohan Feng, Xixin Wu & Helen Meng (2024).
- Knowledge Incorporated Image Question Answering Using Wikidata Repository - Proposes a Visual Question Answering (VQA) model that integrates external knowledge from Wikidata to address complex open-domain questions by combining image, question, and knowledge modalities. Evaluated on the VQAv2 dataset, the model outperforms prior state-of-the-art approaches, demonstrating improved reasoning and accuracy (Koshti et al., 2024).
- Videos: (arabic) Part 6: SPARQL Demo Session: connecting external services - Sparql SERVICE clause gives access to additional data such as labels via wikibase:label, interaction with MediaWiki APIs using wikibase:mwapi, and integration of data from subgraphs (such as the main graph and the scholarly articles graph). Integration of data from external SPARQL endpoints such as DBpedia.
Tool of the week
- Wikidata Entity Linker - is a Microsoft Edge browser extension that creates web links for matching inner HTML text based on a regex format of Q\d+ which is the format of a Wikidata Entity ID. (email)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Vacancy: Research Software Engineer / Wikibase-Expert - The Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) located in Hannover has a research position open for someone interested in the deployment, administration and maintenance of open source knowledge management software such as Mediawiki, Wikibase and OpenRefine as part of the NFDI4Culture partnership within the OSL.
- January 1, 2025, marked Public Domain Day, with hundreds of 1929 films entering the public domain. Sandra has shared helpful notes to assist in making these films discoverable via WikiFlix, by adding video files to Wikicommons and Wikidata. Join the effort!
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- bequest income (the sum a organisations receives from bequests/legacies in a timeframe)
- taxon known by this common name (taxon item of which this common name refers)
- homonymous taxon (taxon item of which the taxon name is an exact homonym)
- role named in credits as (use as qualifier to indicate how the object's role was named in the credits of its respective work)
- meeting of (subject is a meeting or session of this organization)
- Newest External identifiers: product ID, PUG authority ID, Three Decks class ID, Vidas author ID, Usito ID, ZSL authority ID, Collectie Nederland ID, Hachette author ID, CamerounWeb person ID, Hindi Shabdamitra entry ID, OpenSSF Practices ID, Japanese Health Insurance System Facility ID, Centre d'Etudes Picasso ID, CUATM statistical code, CUATM unique identification code, JudaicaLink person (GND) ID, national team ID, Eyrolles author ID, Mémoire des avocats ID, BCU Kirundi-English Dictionary ID, Estonian–Latvian Dictionary ID, WHL player ID, Indo-European Lexicon ID, game ID, Singapore Unique Entity Number, AniSearch character ID, Three Decks conflict ID, Berlinische Galerie object ID, player ID, Play:Right genre ID, Resistance in Belgium ID, Paris Match ID, Kyiv Independent topic, Newmark Albanian-English Dictionary ID, Wellcome Collection concept ID, Amsterdam Monumentenstad ID, VG247 game ID, DNCI label ID, National Football stadium ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- About box (Screenshot of the About Box of the respective software (contains important information such as authors, license, version number and year(s) and is included in almost every software))
- nonprofit tax status (country specific tax status of organisations like non-profits)
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of which this item is the taxonomic type)
- World Heritage type (Propriety of World heritage site : the Type (Cultural, Natural, Mixed))
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- number of shading units (Number of shading units in a graphics card.)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- Maximum beam energy (Maximum beam energy of a particle accelerator)
- Accused of (Crime or other misdeed a person has been accused of, but ''not proven or convicted'')
- hat gespendet (Amount of money donated to a person or organization)
- name starts with (The name that this qualifies, the full contents of which are unknown, is known to start with these characters.)
- духовный сан (formal styles of address used for members of the clergy)
- A2B2 user ID (User ID on
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), Norsk oversettterleksikon ID, player id, match ID, Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua ID, Lyricfind artist ID, HonestGamers game ID, identifiant MACM d'un artisite, Syrian Memory person ID, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur le site Mille ans de littérature d'oc, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga, identifiant Registre national des gels, DOSBox Wiki, Identifiant Cimetières de France, Ech-Chaab tag ID, Lutris company ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, Nafziger Order of Battle ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Comprehensive Historical Dictionary of Ladino entry ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Russian Football National League player ID, Gaia ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Spanish-German Dictionary ID, UAF match ID, Identifiant d'un(e) journaliste sur Francetvinfo, Game Vortex software ID, identifiant Pappers d'un dirigeant, Database of Canada's Early Women Writers ID, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory ID, Mishramilan catalog ID, ID, Cinema Belgica venue ID, Cinema Belgica person ID, Cinema Belgica film ID, Cinema Belgica company ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) ID, Hankook Ilbo tag ID, Rijksmuseum ID, SOIUSA code, myCast work ID, track ID, MUBI Festival ID, Beaux Arts ID, page ID, Park Merwestein Bomenwijzer ID, RPG Maker game ID, RateMyProfessors ID, PubMed author ID, ID, Hessian Biography person ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn, Kvikmyndavefurinn person ID, Bluepages article ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn company ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) info ID, A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences entry ID, Wikishia item ID, EHIS educational institution ID, Bertsolaritzaren Datu Basea ID, A Dictionary of Sociology entry ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: French Scientific Prizes aims to list French-language awards and to ensure the mention of a source associated with each award.
- Newest database reports: Items with "sport (P641)" only
- Showcase Items: 2015 Iditarod Q19455277) - sled dog race
- Showcase Lexemes: trekke (L478233) - Norwegian irregular verb "to pull", "to drag", or "to draw"
- The development team is just settling back in after the holidays, so there haven’t been any significant updates yet.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country:
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Invitation to Participate in the Wikimedia SAARC Conference Community Engagement Survey
തിരുത്തുകDear Community Members,
I hope this message finds you well. Please excuse the use of English; we encourage translations into your local languages to ensure inclusivity.
We are conducting a Community Engagement Survey to assess the sentiments, needs, and interests of South Asian Wikimedia communities in organizing the inaugural Wikimedia SAARC Regional Conference, proposed to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal.
This initiative aims to bring together participants from eight nations to collaborate towards shared goals. Your insights will play a vital role in shaping the event's focus, identifying priorities, and guiding the strategic planning for this landmark conference.
Survey Link:
We kindly request you to dedicate a few moments to complete the survey. Your feedback will significantly contribute to ensuring this conference addresses the community's needs and aspirations.
Deadline to Submit the Survey: 20 January 2025
Your participation is crucial in shaping the future of the Wikimedia SAARC community and fostering regional collaboration. Thank you for your time and valuable input.
Warm regards,
Biplab Anand
Wikidata weekly summary #662
തിരുത്തുകweek leading up to 2025-01-13. Missed the previous one? See issue #661
- Upcoming events:
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 17:00 UTC, 15th January 2025 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Join the Wikidata Training Event 2025 organised by Wikimedia Botswana UG for Wikidata enthusiasts of all levels. Starts 18 Jan 10:00am CAT (UTC+2), registration required.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Updates on the Wikimedian-in-Residence at the Biodiversity Heritage Library focusing on Structured Data on Commons and Wikidata
- Wikidata module for the Hidden Figures CURE - The newly published Wikidata module for the Hidden Figures CURE teaches undergraduates to use Wikidata for uncovering and highlighting the contributions of hidden figures in natural history, such as women, people of color, and Indigenous peoples.
- Memory of the World: Ways forward - Efforts to improve the representation of UNESCO's Memory of the World (MOW) international register on Wikidata include new articles, enhanced data quality, and training on creating structured data. Key contributions involve updating Wikipedia and Wikidata entries, addressing data inconsistencies, and expanding the visibility of MOW inscriptions across languages.
- Empowering Multilingual Knowledge: The Journey Behind the 1-Click-Info Extension Powered by Wikidata - Introduces the 1-Click Data extension for your browser. A project funded by the Arcadia grant through Wikimedia Deutschland and fiscally sponsored by the Dagbani Wikimedians user group.
- Public domain visibility on Wikidata (in Catalan). The article discusses how Wikidata is being used to enhance the visibility of public domain works by integrating copyright information and making it easily accessible.
- Videos
- Presentations: Wikibase e Wikidata per lo studio dell'epigrafia greca (in Italian, i.e. Wikibase and Wikidata for the study of Greek epigraphy), presentation at SAEG (Advanced Seminar of Greek Epigraphy) IX in Rome, 10 January 2025, by Pietro Ortimini, Anna Clara Maniero Azzolini, Epìdosis - slides
Tool of the week
- Dungeon Of Knowledge - is a roguelike game with Items generated from Wikidata that lets you crawl through the Dungeon of Knowledge in a classic ASCII interface. (toot) (blog)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Zita Ursula Zage has joined the Software Communication team (SCoT) at Wikimedia Deutschland as an intern until the end of June 2025. Welcome Zita!
- VIAF (cf. Q54919 and P214) underwent a relevant change of interface on January 10; the way of visualizing clusters in JSON format has changed in comparison with present OCLC documentation and e.g. doesn't work anymore; this broke most or all Wikidata gadgets using VIAF data; in the absence of official communications from OCLC, developers are trying to understand if the new VIAF interface is stable before changing their gadgets accordingly
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- bequest income (the sum a organisations receives from bequests/legacies in a timeframe)
- taxon known by this common name (taxon item of which this common name refers)
- homonymous taxon (taxon item of which the taxon name is an exact homonym)
- role named in credits as (use as qualifier to indicate how the object's role was named in the credits of its respective work)
- meeting of (subject is a meeting or session of this organization)
- organisation tax status (jurisdiction specific tax status of organisations like non-profits)
- Newest External identifiers: Collectie Nederland ID, Hachette author ID, CamerounWeb person ID, Hindi Shabdamitra entry ID, OpenSSF Practices ID, Japanese Health Insurance System Facility ID, Centre d'Etudes Picasso ID, CUATM statistical code, CUATM unique identification code, JudaicaLink person (GND) ID, national team ID, Eyrolles author ID, Mémoire des avocats ID, BCU Kirundi-English Dictionary ID, Estonian–Latvian Dictionary ID, WHL player ID, Indo-European Lexicon ID, game ID, Singapore Unique Entity Number, AniSearch character ID, Three Decks conflict ID, Berlinische Galerie object ID, player ID, Play:Right genre ID, Resistance in Belgium ID, Paris Match ID, Kyiv Independent topic, Newmark Albanian-English Dictionary ID, Wellcome Collection concept ID, Amsterdam Monumentenstad ID, VG247 game ID, DNCI label ID, National Football stadium ID, Kamus Pelajar ID, Dictionary of Norwegian Translators ID, MACM artist ID, Lutris company ID, player ID, DOSBoxWiki article, NBA G League player ID, World Women's Snooker player ID, match ID, GERS ID, Comprehensive Historical Dictionary of Ladino entry ID, SBOID, Game Vortex software ID, Syrian Memory Institution person ID, Mishramilan catalog ID, myCast work ID, Hessian Biography person (GND) ID, Beaux-Arts ID, Gaia ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- About box (Screenshot of the About Box of the respective software (contains important information such as authors, license, version number and year(s) and is included in almost every software))
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of which this item is the taxonomic type (name-bearing type), e.g. the family for which this genus is the type, the genus for which this species is the type, the taxon for which this type specimen is the type, ect...)
- World Heritage type (Propriety of World heritage site : the Type (Cultural, Natural, Mixed))
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- number of shading units (number of shading units in a graphics processing unit)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- Maximum beam energy (Maximum beam energy of a particle accelerator)
- Accused of (Crime or other misdeed a person has been accused of, but ''not proven or convicted'')
- hat gespendet (Amount of money donated to a person or organization)
- name starts with (The name that this qualifies, the full contents of which are unknown, is known to start with these characters.)
- духовный сан (formal styles of address used for members of the clergy)
- A2B2 user ID (User ID on
- Source language (headword languge of dictionary)
- Entry height (Height of the entrance above ground level for boarding public transport vehicles.)
- location code (the location code of the location item. Should be used with qualifier property {{Q|P459}} to specify which location code system being used.)
- DIF historia player ID (Identifier for a sportsperson connected to Djurgårdens IF on (official site))
- number of texture mapping units (number of texture mapping units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of render output units (number of render output units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of ray tracing cores (number of ray tracing cores in a graphics processing unit)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), Lyricfind artist ID, HonestGamers game ID, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur le site Mille ans de littérature d'oc, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga, identifiant Registre national des gels, Identifiant Cimetières de France, Ech-Chaab tag ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, Nafziger Order of Battle ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Russian Football National League player ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Spanish-German Dictionary ID, UAF match ID, Identifiant d'un(e) journaliste sur Francetvinfo, identifiant Pappers d'un dirigeant, Database of Canada's Early Women Writers ID, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory ID, ID, Cinema Belgica venue ID, Cinema Belgica person ID, Cinema Belgica film ID, Cinema Belgica company ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) ID, Hankook Ilbo tag ID, Rijksmuseum ID, SOIUSA code, track ID, MUBI Festival ID, page ID, Park Merwestein Bomenwijzer ID, RPG Maker game ID, RateMyProfessors ID, PubMed author ID, ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn, Kvikmyndavefurinn person ID, Bluepages article ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn company ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) info ID, A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences entry ID, Wikishia item ID, EHIS educational institution ID, Bertsolaritzaren Datu Basea ID, A Dictionary of Sociology entry ID, A Dictionary of Cultural Anthropology entry ID, A Dictionary of Geography entry ID, DGLAi ID, Jeune Afrique person ID,, taz topic ID, Euronews topic ID (English), Euronews topic ID (French), Euronews topic ID (Spanish), Euronews topic ID (Arabic), Roman Inscriptions of Britain Online ID, Unine thesis id, Enpedia ID, Dizionario Biografico della Calabria Contemporanea ID, Bahamut Animation Crazy Serial Number, Finnish Olympic Committee ID, Team Norway profile ID (new), NOC of Belarus champion ID (new), JOC profile ID (new), Répertoire du patrimoine bâti de Québec
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Writing Systems aims to standardize and enhance Wikipedia's coverage of writing systems and related subjects.
- Newest database reports: Some statistics about sitelinks
- Showcase Items: The Night Watch (Q219831) - 1642 painting by Rembrandt
- Showcase Lexemes: дополнение (L107276) - Rusian noun (dopólnenie) that can mean "addition", "supplement" or an "an object"
- Wikidata Query Service UI: We fixed a long-standing issue with missing edge labels in graph visualisations (phab:T317702)
- Wikibase REST API: We implemented a proof of concept for a search endpoint you can try out.
- EntitySchemas: We’re working on language fallback for the heading on EntitySchema pages (phab:T228423)
- Language codes: We cleaned up language codes in WikibaseLexeme after moving some of them to CLDR (phab:T352922)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Greenland
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #663
തിരുത്തുകweek leading up to 2025-01-20. Missed the previous one? See issue #662
- Open request for adminship: Xezbeth - RfP scheduled to end after 26 January 2025 09:17 (UTC).
- Upcoming:
- Edit-A-Thon for Black History Month: 12 February 1300 - 1500 MST (UTC+7) is an onsite event at the University of Colorado Boulder, with a theme to add or expand items on Black and African-American comics creators.
- Data Reuse Days 2025 is from February 18 to 27, 2025! This is an online event focusing on how people and organizations use Wikidata's data to build interesting applications and tools. Don't forget to register so we can know you are coming.
- Past: Missed the Q1 Wikidata+Wikibase office hour? You can catch up by reading the session log here: 2025-01-15 (Q1 2025)
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs: Cleaning up legacy Wikipedia links in Open Library: The blog post discusses cleaning up outdated Wikipedia links to improve article accuracy and navigation, while highlighting the importance of integrating Wikidata for better data management.
- Papers
- Tiziana Possemato, Recording Gender in the Person Entity: An Ongoing Discussion: it compares the practices of gender-registration of person-type entities in LCNAF and ISNI with the use of P21 in Wikidata. By Ray Berger
- Large Language Models, Knowledge Graphs and Search Engines - A Crossroads for Answering Users' Questions: this paper seeks to establish a taxonomy of user information needs to help establish a roadmap of future research for finding synergies between LLM's, Search engines and Knowledge graphs. By Hogan et al., (2025)
- Videos
- Replacing deprecated Wikipedia links with Wikidata items in Open Library
- Tracking Looted Art with Wikidata Queries - As part of Art History Loves Wiki 25, Laurel Zuckerman will show how Wikidata SPARQL queries can aid provenance researchers and historians find, identify and track looted art.
- OpenStreetMap and Wikidata in Disaster Times: Ormat Murat Yilmaz will speak on how Wikidata and OSM play a role in coordinating relief efforts by providing a collaborative platform for providing data about affected areas. Part of WM CEE meeting 2024 Istanbul.
- Serbian Novels on Wikidata: Presented by Filip Maljkovič on the progress and process of adding Serbian literature into Wikidata, using OCR methods to map pages and assign Properties.
- (german)Wikidata for NGOs: Use and network open data sensibly: Johan Hoelderle discusses how nonprofits can benefit from the largest free knowledge base and show what potential open data offers for non-profit projects.
- Data partnerships and Libraries combating misinformation: WMDE's Alan Ang delivers a speech on how GLAM institutions can help prevent the spread of dis- and misinformation whether hallucinatory AI or malicious, part of the Wikimedia+Libraries International Convention 2025.
Tool of the week
- Wikidata file candidates📱 - This tool can show you candidate matches of Wikidata Items to files on Commons and Flickr. (original blog)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- OpenRefine 3.9-beta1 was released
- Product Manager: Wikibase Suite: Wikimedia Deutschland is looking for a PM to lead Wikibase Suite, empowering institutions like GLAMs and research groups to build customizable linked knowledge bases and contribute to the world’s largest open data graph.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- organisation tax status (jurisdiction specific tax status of organisations like non-profits)
- entry height (height of the entrance above ground level for boarding vehicles)
- Newest External identifiers: Singapore Unique Entity Number, AniSearch character ID, Three Decks conflict ID, Berlinische Galerie object ID, player ID, Play:Right genre ID, Resistance in Belgium ID, Paris Match ID, Kyiv Independent topic, Newmark Albanian-English Dictionary ID, Wellcome Collection concept ID, Amsterdam Monumentenstad ID, VG247 game ID, DNCI label ID, National Football stadium ID, Kamus Pelajar ID, Dictionary of Norwegian Translators ID, MACM artist ID, Lutris company ID, player ID, DOSBoxWiki article, NBA G League player ID, World Women's Snooker player ID, match ID, GERS ID, Comprehensive Historical Dictionary of Ladino entry ID, SBOID, Game Vortex software ID, Syrian Memory Institution person ID, Mishramilan catalog ID, myCast work ID, Hessian Biography person (GND) ID, Beaux-Arts ID, Gaia ID, Franceinfo journalist ID, Hankook Ilbo tag ID, Cinema Belgica person ID, Cinema Belgica venue ID, Ukrainian Association of Football match ID, Rijksmuseum ID, Cinema Belgica film ID, Danbooru tag, Russian Football National League player ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- About box (Screenshot of the About Box of the respective software (contains important information such as authors, license, version number and year(s) and is included in almost every software))
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of which this item is the taxonomic type (name-bearing type), e.g. the family for which this genus is the type, the genus for which this species is the type, the taxon for which this type specimen is the type, ect...)
- World Heritage type (Propriety of World heritage site : the Type (Cultural, Natural, Mixed))
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- number of shading units (number of shading units in a graphics processing unit)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- Maximum beam energy (Maximum beam energy of a particle accelerator)
- hat gespendet (Amount of money donated to a person or organization)
- name starts with (The name that this qualifies, the full contents of which are unknown, is known to start with these characters.)
- духовный сан (formal styles of address used for members of the clergy)
- A2B2 user ID (User ID on
- Source language (headword languge of dictionary)
- location code (the location code of the location item. Should be used with qualifier property {{Q|P459}} to specify which location code system being used.)
- DIF historia player ID (Identifier for a sportsperson connected to Djurgårdens IF on (official site))
- number of texture mapping units (number of texture mapping units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of render output units (number of render output units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of ray tracing cores (number of ray tracing cores in a graphics processing unit)
- Bibliography for subject (Wikidata property on this item providing a link to a bibliography about the subject that is a good starting point.)
- likes / dislikes (''(no English description proposed yet)'')
- number of goals scored in penalty shootouts (total number of goals scored by a team in a penalty shootout)
- broadcasting days and time (days of the week in which a TV or radio program is broadcasted)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), HonestGamers game ID, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur le site Mille ans de littérature d'oc, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga, identifiant Registre national des gels, Ech-Chaab tag ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, Nafziger Order of Battle ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Spanish-German Dictionary ID, identifiant Pappers d'un dirigeant, Database of Canada's Early Women Writers ID, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory ID, ID, Cinema Belgica company ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) ID, SOIUSA code, track ID, MUBI Festival ID, page ID, Park Merwestein Bomenwijzer ID, RPG Maker game ID, RateMyProfessors ID, PubMed author ID, ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn, Kvikmyndavefurinn person ID, Bluepages article ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn company ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) info ID, A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences entry ID, Wikishia item ID, EHIS educational institution ID, Bertsolaritzaren Datu Basea ID, A Dictionary of Sociology entry ID, A Dictionary of Cultural Anthropology entry ID, A Dictionary of Geography entry ID, DGLAi ID, Jeune Afrique person ID,, taz topic ID, Euronews topic ID (English), Euronews topic ID (French), Euronews topic ID (Spanish), Euronews topic ID (Arabic), Roman Inscriptions of Britain Online ID, Unine thesis id, Enpedia ID, Dizionario Biografico della Calabria Contemporanea ID, Bahamut Animation Crazy Serial Number, Finnish Olympic Committee ID, Team Norway profile ID (new), NOC of Belarus champion ID (new), JOC profile ID (new), Répertoire du patrimoine bâti de Québec, RFI topic ID (French), RFI topic ID (English), RFI topic ID (Spanish), EJU profile ID, University of Pécs teachers identifier, ROAR id, CPB profile ID, TERMCAT term ID, Handle prefix, U.S. Soccer player ID, Celfic FC player ID, WSGF game ID, Sutian entry ID, wikiHow article ID, Graceful17 ID, IATI Organisation Identifier, Suno artist ID, VAi Archiefhub Agent ID, Soccerbase season ID, PlaymakerStats season ID, football match ID, Eurosport person ID, Newsweek topic ID, New York Post topic ID, RaiPlay Sound IDs, Chinese Church and Organization Dictionary Identifier, DDLC entry ID, substance ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Most common eponyms (a name or noun formed after a person)
- Number of Lexemes including recordings from Lingua Libre by language
- Boiling point of alkanes (source)
- Train station in Germany without image (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject IIT aims to describe current and former IIT faculty members. The following property schema is based on a similar schema found at WikiProject IUPUI University Library
- WikiProject Highlights: Sum of all paintings/Historic collections - keep track of historic collections as part of the provenance of paintings
- Newest database reports: Links per language
- Showcase Items: 4 Vesta (Q3030) - second largest asteroid of the main asteroid belt
- Showcase Lexemes: L347296 - Tamil noun that can mean "priest", "teacher" or "preceptor"
- mul language code: The "mul" language code for labels, descriptions and aliases will be fully enabled on #Wikidata starting 28th Jan!
- Constraint violations:
- EntitySchemas: We’re working on making the heading on EntitySchema pages apply language fallback (T228423)
- Search: We’ve started working on the new search UI component which will let you search for additional entity types from the main search bar and not just Items anymore (T338483)
- Wikibase REST API: We're working on adding search to the API (T383209)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: United States of America
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #664
തിരുത്തുകweek leading up to 2025-01-27. Missed the previous one? See issue #663
- Closed request for adminship: Xezbeth (closed as successful). Welcome onboard \o/
- Upcoming events:
- Call for Proposals: IslandoraCon 2025. "IslandoraCon brings together a community of librarians, archivists, cultural heritage collections managers, technologists, developers, project managers, and open source project enthusiasts in support of the Islandora framework for digital curation and asset management." Deadline for session proposals: February 14, 2024.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs: Progress in lexicographic data in Wikidata 2024 by Denny Vrandečić. See also
- Videos
- (replay) Arabic Wikidata Days 2024 full playlist
- NYC Parks on Wikidata (Wikipedia Day NYC 22nd Birthday Bash)
- From books to Bytes (10): Factgrid. A Wikibase instance for historical data
Tool of the week
- PhotoNearby.js - a user script that checks Wikimedia Commons for a nearby photo if no image (P18) statement and has coordinate location (P625). Displays above the Statements heading. Defaults to a 500 meter radius. Displays a link to WikiShootMe.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- As part of an effort to benchmark open source SPARQL engines on Wikidata, the page Wikidata:Scaling Wikidata/Benchmarking/Existing Benchmarks contains some initial results and analyses of benchmarking Blazegraph, MilleniumDB, QLever, and Virtuoso on several existing SPARQL query benchmarks for Wikidata. There are some surprising results there, particularly related to different answers produced by different engines. Suggestions on how to improve the effort or provide deeper explanations of the results are particularly welcome on the discussion page.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- organisation tax status (jurisdiction specific tax status of organisations like non-profits)
- entry height (height of the entrance above ground level for boarding vehicles)
- Newest External identifiers: Berlinische Galerie object ID, player ID, Play:Right genre ID, Resistance in Belgium ID, Paris Match ID, Kyiv Independent topic, Newmark Albanian-English Dictionary ID, Wellcome Collection concept ID, Amsterdam Monumentenstad ID, VG247 game ID, DNCI label ID, National Football stadium ID, Kamus Pelajar ID, Dictionary of Norwegian Translators ID, MACM artist ID, Lutris company ID, player ID, DOSBoxWiki article, NBA G League player ID, World Women's Snooker player ID, match ID, GERS ID, Comprehensive Historical Dictionary of Ladino entry ID, SBOID, Game Vortex software ID, Syrian Memory Institution person ID, Mishramilan catalog ID, myCast work ID, Hessian Biography person (GND) ID, Beaux-Arts ID, Gaia ID, Franceinfo journalist ID, Hankook Ilbo tag ID, Cinema Belgica person ID, Cinema Belgica venue ID, Ukrainian Association of Football match ID, Rijksmuseum ID, Cinema Belgica film ID, Danbooru tag, Russian Football National League player ID, Database of Canada's Early Women Writers ID, taz ID, Roman Inscriptions of Britain Online ID, Répertoire du patrimoine bâti de Québec ID, Game Jolt username
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of which this item is the taxonomic type (name-bearing type), e.g. the family for which this genus is the type, the genus for which this species is the type, the taxon for which this type specimen is the type, ect...)
- World Heritage type (Propriety of World heritage site : the Type (Cultural, Natural, Mixed))
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- number of shading units (number of shading units in a graphics processing unit)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- Maximum beam energy (Maximum beam energy of a particle accelerator)
- hat gespendet (Amount of money donated to a person or organization)
- name starts with (The name that this qualifies, the full contents of which are unknown, is known to start with these characters.)
- духовный сан (formal styles of address used for members of the clergy)
- A2B2 user ID (User ID on
- Source language (headword languge of dictionary)
- location code (the location code of the location item. Should be used with qualifier property {{Q|P459}} to specify which location code system being used.)
- DIF historia player ID (Identifier for a sportsperson connected to Djurgårdens IF on (official site))
- number of texture mapping units (number of texture mapping units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of render output units (number of render output units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of ray tracing cores (number of ray tracing cores in a graphics processing unit)
- Bibliography for subject (Wikidata property on this item providing a link to a bibliography about the subject that is a good starting point.)
- likes / dislikes (''(no English description proposed yet)'')
- number of goals scored in penalty shootouts (total number of goals scored by a team in a penalty shootout)
- broadcasting days and time (days of the week in which a TV or radio program is broadcasted)
- reverse compound (compound where the parts are reversed)
- cognate-citation (lexeme with with the same etymological origin and where a source supports it.)
- Instrument de recherche (inventaire) ({{Translate this | fr = <!-- | xx = descriptions dans d'autres langues --> }})
- Instrument de recherche (document containing detailed information about a specific collection of papers or records within an archive)
- Ratsinformationssystem (Link to the council information system of the municipality)
- name with acutes (item name with acute accents showing stressed vowels)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), HonestGamers game ID, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur le site Mille ans de littérature d'oc, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga, identifiant Registre national des gels, Ech-Chaab tag ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, Nafziger Order of Battle ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Spanish-German Dictionary ID, identifiant Pappers d'un dirigeant, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory ID, ID, Cinema Belgica company ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) ID, SOIUSA code, track ID, MUBI Festival ID, page ID, RPG Maker game ID, RateMyProfessors ID, PubMed author ID, ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn, Kvikmyndavefurinn person ID, Bluepages article ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn company ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) info ID, A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences entry ID, Wikishia item ID, EHIS educational institution ID, Bertsolaritzaren Datu Basea ID, A Dictionary of Sociology entry ID, A Dictionary of Cultural Anthropology entry ID, A Dictionary of Geography entry ID, DGLAi ID, Jeune Afrique person ID,, Euronews topic ID (English), Euronews topic ID (French), Euronews topic ID (Spanish), Euronews topic ID (Arabic), Unine thesis id, Enpedia ID, Dizionario Biografico della Calabria Contemporanea ID, Bahamut Animation Crazy Serial Number, Finnish Olympic Committee ID, Team Norway profile ID (new), NOC of Belarus champion ID (new), JOC profile ID (new), RFI topic ID (French), RFI topic ID (English), RFI topic ID (Spanish), EJU profile ID, University of Pécs teachers identifier, ROAR id, CPB profile ID, TERMCAT term ID, Handle prefix, U.S. Soccer player ID, Celfic FC player ID, WSGF game ID, Sutian entry ID, wikiHow article ID, Graceful17 ID, IATI Organisation Identifier, Suno artist ID, VAi Archiefhub Agent ID, Soccerbase season ID, PlaymakerStats season ID, football match ID, Eurosport person ID, Newsweek topic ID, New York Post topic ID, RaiPlay Sound IDs, Chinese Church and Organization Dictionary Identifier, DDLC entry ID, substance ID, Yahoo Knowledge Graph ID, Biographical Dictionary of Republican China (X-Boorman) ID, Modern China Biographical Database ID, Chinese Engineers Relational Database ID, The Biographical Encyclopaedia of Islamic Philosophy ID, Letterboxd studio ID, Izvestia topic ID, The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity ID, Museum Data Service museum ID, BGSU Historical Collections of the Great Lakes vessel ID, booru tag, game ID, Iowa State University Library Vocabularies ID, MikuWiki article ID, Trade register Switzerland ID, JSR package, Storytel author ID, person ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: No Longer at the Margins - aims to highlight and document the contributions of women in science, ensuring their visibility and recognition in the historical and archival record by addressing biases and gaps in representation.
- Newest database reports: Merge candidates based on same commons category
- Showcase Items: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Q309988) - technical university and research center in Karlsruhe, Germany
- Showcase Lexemes: истина (L113869) - Russian noun (pronounced "istina"), translates to "truth", "reality" or a fact in English.
- Storage growth: We are making some changes to the terms-related database table in order to scale better (phab:T351802)
- Constraint violations: We’re working on making distinct-values constraint checks works with the split Query Service (phab:T369079)
- EntitySchemas: We’re working on making the heading on EntitySchema pages apply language fallback (phab:T228423)
- Search: We are working on the new search UI component which will let you search for additional entity types from the main search bar and not just Items anymore (phab:T338483)
- Wikibase REST API: We're continuing the work on adding search to the API (phab:T383209)
- Lua: We are investigating if we can increase the Entity Usage Limit on client pages (phab:T381098)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: United States of America
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Weekly Summary #665
തിരുത്തുകweek leading up to 2025-02-03. Missed the previous one? See issue #664
- New requests for permissions/Bot: WhitneyBot - Task: Sync artist data from the Whitney Museum of American Art's collection to Wikidata.
- Closed request for permissions/Bot: ZLBot - Closed as unsuccessful.
- New request for comments: Proper names in multiple languages - This RfC seeks to address concerns regarding the recent MUL announcement for default values for labels and aliases.
- Upcoming events:
- We are excited to reveal WikidataCon 2025 will be returning this year, keep an eye on the project page for more details to come, and block your calendar for October 31 - November 2.
- New Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group project series! The next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group project series session on Tuesday, 4 February, 2025 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET Time Zone Converter Eric Willey will be facilitating a series of four sessions focused on starting a Wikidata project from the foundation up at your institution. The first session will focus on selling your project to administrators.
- Wikidata Indonesia is holding a Datathon (February 5 - 7) and Quiz (January 31 - February 7), take part!
- OpenStreetMap X Wikidata Meetup #73 February 10 Time: 19:30-21:00 UTC+8 at Taipei Mozilla Community Space Taipei (Q61752245)
- Data Reuse Days, February 18-27: online event dedicated to the applications using Wikidata's data and their technical setup. A first version of the program is now available. Make sure to register to receive the event's access links.
- Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team - February 12.Time: 16:00-17:00 UTC / 08:00 PST / 11:00 EST / 17:00 CET
- Why Wikidata? and edit-a-thon hosted by Illinois State University on February 4, 1400 - 1600 CST (UTC-6). Eric Willey and Rebecca Fitzsimmons will hold a hands-on demonstration of Wikidata, at the Milner Library, ISU (Room 165).
- Past Events
- Wikidata Workshop Jan 2025 - Hosted by Wikimedia Canada, this workshop offered 2 sessions for English and French-speaking attendees. Subjects covered include the basics of Wikidata, intro to editing, linking photos to Commons and how to query Wikidata. The workshop took place 30 January 01:00 - 03:00 UTC.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Bob duCharme, author of Learning SPARQL posts a blog entry on filtering (only) foreign labels from a SPARQL query, using the WDQS to illustrate their example.
- (german)How does library work in the Wikiverse affect the use of your own holdings? - Wikidata enthusiast Christian Erlinger explores in this article how GLAM institutions measure their contributions to the Wikiverse and how Wikidata items and sitelinking contribute to their connectedness.
- Papers
- Towards a Sustainable Community-Driven Documentation of Semantic Web Tools A Wikidata-based toolkit to help knowledge engineers and developers find and document semantic web tools by categorizing them into a taxonomy and integrating GitHub metadata to track their maintenance status. By A. Reiz, F.J. Ekaputra & N. Mihindukulasooriya (2025).
- From Open Collaboration to Customized Control - Transitioning from Wikidata to Wikibase by John Samuel at FOSDEM 2025 (Track: Collaboration and Content Management) on February 1, 2025.
- Videos
- Biodiversity Heritage Library Creator IDs on Wikidata via Mix'n'match - Tiago Lubiana will demonstrate the workflow of Mix'n'Match curation and adding BHL Creator ID's to Wikidata.
- (arabic)OpenRefine and QuickStatements - In this 2nd session of the Arabic Wikidata Days 2024, advanced skills of OR such as improving and importing tabular data. QS will also be demonstrated and how it simplifies adding and editing Wikidata. Presented by Professor Qais Shraideh.
- Resource, Description & Access & STA - Michaela Edelmann introduces the cataloging platform that runs on Wikibase for the German-speaking DACH countries.
- (Czech) 25th Annual Conference: National Archives of Czech Republic had 2 segments for Wikibases: Wikibase for Welsh Authority Control and Wikibase: a tool for creating/sharing LOD
- Presentations
- New developments of Wikibase-as-a-Service at the Open Science Lab (part of NFDI4Culture). Presented at Art Loves History Wiki Conference, it shows developments to the WB software suite.
Tool of the week
- Holonet Galactic Map - Explore information and facts of the planets that inhabit the Star Wars universe, powered by Wikidata.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- ⚠️ Wikidata Query Service graph split: The graph split is about 2 months away. If you are doing queries that involve scholarly articles or if you have an application that does you will be affected. Please check d:Wikidata:SPARQL query service/WDQS graph split for details.
- We (Peter F. Patel-Schneider and Egezort) want to run a course on the Wikidata Ontology for a limited number of participants. Designed for those already familiar with Wikidata, it will present information about ontologies and how they form the core of Wikidata, incorporating several exercises on analyses of and fixes to the Wikidata ontology. Upon successful completion (ending with a group project in consultation by us), participants will receive certificates. Please give feedback and suggestions to improve the structure and course content (found in more detail at WikiProject:Ontology Course) which will be incorporated into our Wikimedia rapid grant application to support the effort. Interested in helping or want to share your thoughts? Let us know.
- Several database changes will impact Wikidata in the coming months, including the migration of the term store (
wbt_ tables
) to a dedicated cluster to improve performance and enable future growth. This move will speed up most Wikidata SQL queries but prevent direct joins between term store data and other Wikidata tables. Additionally, the wb_type table will be removed, with its mapping hardcoded in Wikibase, simplifying the codebase. More details. - Call for projects and mentors for Google Summer of Code 2025! Deadline: February 28th. More info!
- Lydia Pintscher awarded the European Open Source Award - Wikidata Portfolio Manager for WMDE, Lydia's contributions to the development of Wikidata have been recognised in the category of Advocacy and Awareness.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- organisation tax status (jurisdiction specific tax status of organisations like non-profits)
- entry height (height of the entrance above ground level for boarding vehicles)
- number of shading units (number of shading units in a graphics processing unit (GPU))
- land acknowledgement (acknowledgement of indigenous or native people who live and whose ancestors lived at a location)
- External identifiers: Amsterdam Monumentenstad ID, VG247 game ID, DNCI label ID, National Football stadium ID, Kamus Pelajar ID, Dictionary of Norwegian Translators ID, MACM artist ID, Lutris company ID, player ID, DOSBoxWiki article, NBA G League player ID, World Women's Snooker player ID, match ID, GERS ID, Comprehensive Historical Dictionary of Ladino entry ID, SBOID, Game Vortex software ID, Syrian Memory Institution person ID, Mishramilan catalog ID, myCast work ID, Hessian Biography person (GND) ID, Beaux-Arts ID, Gaia ID, Franceinfo journalist ID, Hankook Ilbo tag ID, Cinema Belgica person ID, Cinema Belgica venue ID, Ukrainian Association of Football match ID, Rijksmuseum ID, Cinema Belgica film ID, Danbooru tag, Russian Football National League player ID, Database of Canada's Early Women Writers ID, taz ID, Roman Inscriptions of Britain Online ID, Répertoire du patrimoine bâti de Québec ID, Game Jolt username, Kvikmyndavefurinn work ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn person ID, EHIS educational institution ID, WSGF game ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn company ID, Museum Data Service museum ID, HonestGamers game ID, Pappers executive ID, Islamic Philosophy ID, L'Humanité topic ID, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of which this item is the taxonomic type (name-bearing type), e.g. the family for which this genus is the type, the genus for which this species is the type, the taxon for which this type specimen is the type, ect...)
- World Heritage type (Propriety of World heritage site : the Type (Cultural, Natural, Mixed))
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- Maximum beam energy (Maximum beam energy of a particle accelerator)
- name starts with (The name that this qualifies, the full contents of which are unknown, is known to start with these characters.)
- духовный сан (formal styles of address used for members of the clergy)
- A2B2 user ID (User ID on
- Source language (headword languge of dictionary)
- location code (the location code of the location item. Should either be used with qualifier property {{Q|P459}} to specify which location code system being used, or be used as the qualifier of {{P|31}}.)
- DIF historia player ID (Identifier for a sportsperson connected to Djurgårdens IF on (official site))
- number of texture mapping units (number of texture mapping units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of render output units (number of render output units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of ray tracing cores (number of ray tracing cores in a graphics processing unit)
- Bibliography for subject (Wikidata property on this item providing a link to a bibliography about the subject that is a good starting point.)
- likes / dislikes (''(no English description proposed yet)'')
- number of goals scored in penalty shootouts (total number of goals scored by a team in a penalty shootout)
- broadcasting days and time (days of the week in which a TV or radio program is broadcasted)
- reverse compound (compound where the parts are reversed)
- cognate-citation (lexeme with with the same etymological origin and where a source supports it.)
- Instrument de recherche (inventaire) ({{Translate this | fr = <!-- | xx = descriptions dans d'autres langues --> }})
- Instrument de recherche (document containing detailed information about a specific collection of papers or records within an archive)
- Ratsinformationssystem (Link to the council information system of the municipality)
- name with acutes (item name with acute accents showing stressed vowels)
- doors open on the… / exit train on the… (side of the train where the doors open at this station or only side where this vehicle has doors)
- directs readers to (document or class of documents to which this item or class directs readers (aliases: is citation of {{!}} links to {{!}} refers to {{!}} target))
- items classified (class of items that this classification system classifies (aliases: items categorized {{!}} classifies {{!}} categorizes))
- reason not to be used with instances of (clarification for why P31 (instance of) can not be used with this property)
- dislikes of fictional character (''(no English description proposed yet)'')
- AI-generated media prompt (exact prompt that was used to generate an AI-generated media)
- Text-to-image software used for creation (text-to-image generation software that was used to create this media or work)
- schism ()
- Lemmy instance URL (the Lemmy instance of/about the subject)
- External identifiers: Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur le site Mille ans de littérature d'oc, identifiant Registre national des gels, Ech-Chaab tag ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, Nafziger Order of Battle ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Spanish-German Dictionary ID, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory ID, ID, Cinema Belgica company ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) ID, SOIUSA code, track ID, MUBI Festival ID, page ID, RPG Maker game ID, RateMyProfessors ID, PubMed author ID, ID, Bluepages article ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) info ID, A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences entry ID, Wikishia item ID, Bertsolaritzaren Datu Basea ID, A Dictionary of Sociology entry ID, A Dictionary of Cultural Anthropology entry ID, A Dictionary of Geography entry ID, DGLAi ID, Jeune Afrique person ID,, Euronews topic ID (English), Euronews topic ID (French), Euronews topic ID (Spanish), Euronews topic ID (Arabic), Unine thesis id, Enpedia ID, Dizionario Biografico della Calabria Contemporanea ID, Bahamut Animation Crazy Serial Number, Finnish Olympic Committee ID, Team Norway profile ID (new), NOC of Belarus champion ID (new), JOC profile ID (new), RFI topic ID (French), RFI topic ID (English), RFI topic ID (Spanish), EJU profile ID, University of Pécs teachers identifier, ROAR id, CPB profile ID, TERMCAT term ID, Handle prefix, U.S. Soccer player ID, Celfic FC player ID, Sutian entry ID, wikiHow article ID, Graceful17 ID, IATI Organisation Identifier, Suno artist ID, VAi Archiefhub Agent ID, Soccerbase season ID, PlaymakerStats season ID, football match ID, Eurosport person ID, Newsweek topic ID, New York Post topic ID, RaiPlay Sound IDs, Chinese Church and Organization Dictionary Identifier, DDLC entry ID, substance ID, Yahoo Knowledge Graph ID, Biographical Dictionary of Republican China (X-Boorman) ID, Modern China Biographical Database ID, Chinese Engineers Relational Database ID, Letterboxd studio ID, Izvestia topic ID, The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity ID, BGSU Historical Collections of the Great Lakes vessel ID, booru tag, game ID, Iowa State University Library Vocabularies ID, MikuWiki article ID, Trade register Switzerland ID, JSR package, Storytel author ID, person ID, Amazon Music track ID, National Trust Heritage Records ID, Toonopedia ID, Oorlogsbronnen-identifier, CPC Zone game ID, Patristic Text Archive, Biblioteca italiana work ID, identifiant d'une œuvre au MACM, game ID, Identifiant d'une personne sur le site du musée du diocèse de Lyon, Número de Identificación Tributaria, Hiking Note trail identifier, Hiking Note mountain identifier, Video Game History Foundation Library, Yandex Music track ID, PromoDJ track ID, Jamendo track ID, Know Your Meme slug, CriticDB IDs, Euronews topic ID, RFI topic ID, Algeria Press Service topic ID, Hiking Note chalet identifier, Encyclopedia of Marxism ID
- General datatypes:
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:WikiProject Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal - This project with the Museum of Contemporary Art of Montreal aims to share its data model.
- WikiProject Highlights:
- Antiquity: Patristic Text Archive is a web archive for (mostly) Greek Patristic archival texts.
- WikiProject: Ontology Course - as mentioned above, this WikiProject plans to be a certified course to teahc participants about proper Wikidata ontologies.
- Newest database reports: Language statistics for Items
- Showcase Items:Valérie Masson-Delmotte (Q3554288) - French engineer and climatologist
- Showcase Lexemes:lasku(L30087) - Finnish noun, translates to "landing", "calculation" or "invoice" in English.
- Storage growth: We are continuing to make some changes to the terms-related database table in order to scale better (phab:T351802)
- Wikibase REST API: We are continuing to work on bringing search to the REST API (phab:T383126)
- mul language code: Support for the language code has been rolled out fully
- EntitySchemas: We finished adding language fallback to the heading of EntitySchema pages (phab:T228423)
- Sitelinks: Fixed a bug that prevented linking Wikidata Items from Wikipedias (phab:T385261)
- Scoped search: We continued working on improving the main search field on Wikidata in order to allow you to search for Properties, Lexemes, etc more easily with it (phab:T321543)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Liechtenstein
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #666
തിരുത്തുകweek leading up to 2025-02-10. Missed the previous one? See issue #665
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- TiagoLubianaBot 5 - Task(s): Add image or reference illustration based on categories for botanical illustrations on Wikimedia Commons. Only add when only 1 or 2 files in category.
- Sapper Bot - Task(s): Daily updates the Sea of Galilee's elevation above sea level based on official government data.
- Closed request for permissions/Bot: MangadexBot - Task(s): add metadata from mangadex to manga with Mangadex manga ID - closed as relevant Property has been deprecated and marked for deletion.
- Upcoming events:
- Data Reuse Days, starting on February 18th. Check out the program and don't forget to register on wiki to receive the access link.
- Whose (Wiki)Data is it anyway? - Ethics & Consent when cataloguing people, places and things. An on-site Library workshop of the Toronto Metropolitan University, February 12, 1200 - 1600 EST (UTC-5).
- Comics Edit-A-Thon for Black History month, hosted by the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship of the University of Colorado (onsite only & registration required). February 12, 1300 - 1500 MST (UTC-7).
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Making SPARQL more accessible: Daniel Motz's bachelor's thesis on visual query graphs, check out their project in Tool of the Week
- GLAM Rockers: an interview with the creators of GLAMorous Europe - Anne Mühlich and Gerd Müller speak about their project GLAMorous Europe which uses Wikidata to enrich the digital art collection.
- Preserving Community History with Wikibase - Tan Li Qi of MyCommunity, a Singaporean nonprofit dedicated to preserving the stories of everyday people by documenting community narratives, social memories, and local heritage.
- Wikidata Edit-A-Thon for Black Teacher archive by the Harvard Library University. A write-up of the event which saw more than 400 items edited.
- Project Chat - join the discussion
Tool of the week
- Query by Graph - build a SPARQL query using drag'n'drop visual elements. This is an interesting tool that provides another way to approach building SPARQL queries, especially for those that find the Query builder or raw SPARQL unintuitive or complex.
- CivData - "Cividata makes the diverse world of non-profit organizations visible. As a volunteer project, Cividata provides a comprehensive overview of non-profit organizations worldwide, based on data from Wikipedia's sister project Wikidata."
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Creation of the interim Global Resource Distribution Committee - Call for candidates ends February 25, midnight (AOE).
The interim GDRC is being established to oversee and adjust resource distribution for the Community Fund, aligning with the movement's evolving needs. Currently open to applications from candidates with experience in grantmaking, budgeting and knowledge of Wikimedia's grant types. Further information on the role and how to apply can be found on the GDRC Meta page - Curationist seeks Digital Archivist - Curationist, a free online resource for cultural heritage seeks a part-time archiver who can navigate Wikidata, SPARQL and create metadata and support writers.
- For the upcoming Wikidata and Research conference in July, the list of accepted papers has been posted.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- entry height (height of the entrance above ground level for boarding vehicles)
- number of shading units (number of shading units in a graphics processing unit (GPU))
- romantic orientation (pattern of romantic attraction of this person or fictional character — use ONLY IF they have stated it themselves, unambiguously, or it has been widely agreed upon by historians after their death)
- location code (the location code of the location (please use more specific property if available))
- directs readers to (document or class of documents to which this item or class directs readers)
- External identifiers: Franceinfo journalist ID, Hankook Ilbo tag ID, Cinema Belgica person ID, Cinema Belgica venue ID, Ukrainian Association of Football match ID, Rijksmuseum ID, Cinema Belgica film ID, Danbooru tag, Russian Football National League player ID, Database of Canada's Early Women Writers ID, taz ID, Roman Inscriptions of Britain Online ID, Répertoire du patrimoine bâti de Québec ID, Game Jolt username, Kvikmyndavefurinn work ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn person ID, EHIS educational institution ID, WSGF game ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn company ID, Museum Data Service museum ID, HonestGamers game ID, Pappers executive ID, Islamic Philosophy ID, L'Humanité topic ID, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga ID, Izvestia topic ID, Presisov večjezični slovar ID, Zvuk release ID, Mille ans de littérature d'oc author ID, ID, HCERES expert ID, Registre national des gels ID, A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences entry ID, DGLAi ID, Finnish Olympic Committee athlete ID, Cinema Belgica company ID, RPG Maker game ID (archived), Chinese Church and Organization Dictionary ID, Letterboxd studio ID, Biblioteca Italiana work ID, A Dictionary of Cultural Anthropology entry ID, A Dictionary of Geography entry ID, A Dictionary of Sociology entry ID, Jeune Afrique person ID, Dictionary of Late Antiquity ID, University of Pécs Almanac ID, TERMCAT term ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of which this item is the taxonomic type (name-bearing type), e.g. the family for which this genus is the type, the genus for which this species is the type, the taxon for which this type specimen is the type, ect...)
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- Maximum beam energy (Maximum beam energy of a particle accelerator)
- name starts with (The name that this qualifies, the full contents of which are unknown, is known to start with these characters.)
- духовный сан (formal styles of address used for members of the clergy)
- A2B2 user ID (User ID on
- Source language (headword languge of dictionary)
- DIF historia player ID (Identifier for a sportsperson connected to Djurgårdens IF on (official site))
- number of texture mapping units (number of texture mapping units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of render output units (number of render output units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of ray tracing cores (number of ray tracing cores in a graphics processing unit)
- Bibliography for subject (Wikidata property on this item providing a link to a bibliography about the subject that is a good starting point.)
- likes / dislikes (''(no English description proposed yet)'')
- number of goals scored in penalty shootouts (total number of goals scored by a team in a penalty shootout)
- broadcasting days and time (days of the week in which a TV or radio program is broadcasted)
- reverse compound (compound where the parts are reversed)
- cognate-citation (lexeme with with the same etymological origin and where a source supports it.)
- Instrument de recherche (inventaire) ({{Translate this | fr = <!-- | xx = descriptions dans d'autres langues --> }})
- Instrument de recherche (document containing detailed information about a specific collection of papers or records within an archive)
- Ratsinformationssystem (Link to the council information system of the municipality)
- name with acutes (item name with acute accents showing stressed vowels)
- doors open on the… / exit train on the… (side of the train where the doors open at this station or only side where this vehicle has doors)
- items classified (class of items that this classification system classifies (aliases: items categorized {{!}} classifies {{!}} categorizes))
- reason not to be used with instances of (clarification for why P31 (instance of) can not be used with this property)
- dislikes of fictional character (''(no English description proposed yet)'')
- AI-generated media prompt (exact prompt that was used to generate an AI-generated media)
- Text-to-image software used for creation (software that was used to create this media or work)
- Lemmy instance URL (the Lemmy instance of/about the subject)
- reason for event cancellation (circumstances leading to the cancellation of the event)
- stylized title (''(no English description proposed yet)'')
- RAM capacity (amount of volatile random-access memory (RAM) modules used by this device)
- VRAM capacity (amount of dual-ported video RAM (VRAM) modules used by this device)
- nombre anterior (Former official name used by an entity, organization, place, or object.)
- earliest start date (earliest start date)
- model number (Identifier for a product model)
- Nation Ranking (primary) and Nation Ranking (secondary) (Nation Ranking (primary))
- has license (licenses the subject have)
- representing sports team (a sports team or club representing this organisation or geographic area)
- External identifiers: Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), Ech-Chaab tag ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Spanish-German Dictionary ID, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory ID, ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) ID, SOIUSA code, track ID, page ID, RateMyProfessors ID, PubMed author ID, ID, Bluepages article ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) info ID, Wikishia item ID, Bertsolaritzaren Datu Basea ID, Euronews topic ID (English), Euronews topic ID (French), Euronews topic ID (Spanish), Euronews topic ID (Arabic), Unine thesis id, Enpedia ID, Dizionario Biografico della Calabria Contemporanea ID, Bahamut Animation Crazy Serial Number, Team Norway profile ID (new), NOC of Belarus champion ID (new), JOC profile ID (new), RFI topic ID (French), RFI topic ID (English), RFI topic ID (Spanish), EJU profile ID, ROAR id, CPB profile ID, U.S. Soccer player ID, Celfic FC player ID, Sutian entry ID, wikiHow article ID, Graceful17 ID, IATI Organisation Identifier, Suno artist ID, VAi Archiefhub Agent ID, Soccerbase season ID, PlaymakerStats season ID, football match ID, Eurosport person ID, Newsweek topic ID, New York Post topic ID, RaiPlay Sound IDs, DDLC entry ID, substance ID, Yahoo Knowledge Graph ID, Biographical Dictionary of Republican China (X-Boorman) ID, Modern China Biographical Database ID, Chinese Engineers Relational Database ID, BGSU Historical Collections of the Great Lakes vessel ID, booru tag, game ID, Iowa State University Library Vocabularies ID, MikuWiki article ID, JSR package, Storytel author ID, person ID, Amazon Music track ID, National Trust Heritage Records ID, Toonopedia ID, Oorlogsbronnen-identifier, CPC Zone game ID, Patristic Text Archive, identifiant d'une œuvre au MACM, game ID, Identifiant d'une personne sur le site du musée du diocèse de Lyon, Número de Identificación Tributaria, Hiking Note trail identifier, Hiking Note mountain identifier, Video Game History Foundation Library, Yandex Music track ID, PromoDJ track ID, Jamendo track ID, Know Your Meme slug, CriticDB IDs, Euronews topic ID, RFI topic ID, Algeria Press Service topic ID, Hiking Note chalet identifier, Encyclopedia of Marxism ID, Helden van het Verzet person ID, Records of Early English Drama ID, The New Yorker topic ID, top50, player ID, player ID, LEMAC ID, Rate Your Music music video ID, Rate Your Music release issue ID, Nonbinary Wiki id, football match ID, LEMAV ID, AllGame game ID, Repertorium kleine politieke partijen 1918-1967 (Partij), TechRaptor IDs, Kompass company ID, GPU ID, PCPartPicker hardware ID, Wine AppDB ID developer ID, Memoria Chilena ID, The Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism ID
- General datatypes:
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Events and Role Frames - the goal is to enhance Wikidata’s representation of lexemes by linking lexeme senses to PropBank role sets.
- List of Canadian doctors (WikiProject Medicine)
- Newest database reports: List of most used Properties
- Showcase Items: Newton's parakeet (Q634873) - extinct species of bird
- Showcase Lexemes:kuchapa (L1328922) - Swahili noun that can mean "photographic print", "print", "printer", "act of typing" or an "publishing."
- Search in the UI: We continued the work on adding a search UI that lets you search in Properties, Lexemes and EntitySchemas more easily (phab:T338483)
- Search in the API: We are continuing our work on search in the REST API (phab:T383126)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Nigeria
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!