പ്രാഥമിക മതിപ്പുചെലവുകൾ (Preliminary expenses estimate)


Assumed Exchange Rate: 1 US$ = 63.24 INR (As on 12/11/2013)

Sources of revenue
Code No. Item INR US$ %age Notes
WMF 1 WMF 221385 3501 33.8%
CIS 2 CIS - A2K Program 150440 2379 23%
WMIN1 3 Wikimedia India (Conference Infrastructure) 84750 1340 12.9%
WMIN2 4 Wikimedia India (Featured Events) 28000 443 4.3%
WMIN3 5 Wikimedia India (Inter community Interactions) 50000 791 7.6%
WMIN4 6 Wikimedia India (Wiki Handbooks) 60000 949 9.2%
subtotal of Wikimedia India 222750 3522 34%
subtotal of Wikimedia associated sources 594575 9402 90.8%
LS 7 Local Sponsors 30000 474 4.6%
REG 8 Registration 30000 474 4.6%
Total 654575 10351 100 %
Portfolios of expenses
Code No. Item INR US$ %age Notes
PCE 1 Pre-Conference expenses 17000 269 2.6%
EFM 2 Conference infrastructure 102250 1617 15.6%
SPI 3 SWAG, publicity material & information dispesral 235940 3731 36%
FE 4 Feature event expenses 28000 443 4.3%
FAT 5 Food, Accommodation & Local conveyance 221385 3501 33.8%
ICI 6 Scholarships for other language communities 50000 791 7.6%
Total 654575 10351 100 %
Food, Accommodation and Local Transport
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
FAT 1 Breakfast 220 8800 139 0.63
FAT 2 Local transport 11 11000 174 15.81
FAT 3 Forenoon refreshments 619 12380 196 0.32
FAT 4 Lunch 625 51105 808 1.29
FAT 5 Afternoon Refreshments 614 12280 194 0.32
FAT 6 Evening Refreshments 291 5820 92 0.32
FAT 7 Dinner 250 20000 316 1.27
FAT 8 Accommodation 225 90000 1423 6.33
FAT 9 Local Transport & TA for guests 10 10000 158 15.81
Total 221385 3501
SWAGs, Publicity and Information Dispersal
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
SPI 1 WikiHandbook 1000 60000 949 0.95
SPI 2 Creative Commons Handbook 1000 60000 949 0.95
SPI 3 Wiki T-Shirts 300 0 0 0.00
SPI 4 WikiPen 1000 10000 158 0.16
SPI 5 Wiki keychains 250 6250 99 0.40
SPI 6 Wiki School Bags 100 30000 474 4.74
SPI 7 Wiki Stickers 1000 5000 79 0.08
SPI 8 Brochures 500 5000 79 0.16
SPI 9 Notice 1000 4000 63 0.06
SPI 10 Poster 1000 20000 316 0.32
SPI 11 Print-outs & Photocopies 100 1000 16 0.16
SPI 12 Badges Type 1 (Committee) 25 500 8 0.32
SPI 13 Badges Type 2 (Guest) 25 750 12 0.47
SPI 14 Badges Type 3 (Volunteer) 35 700 11 0.32
SPI 15 Badges Type 4 (Participant) 330 3300 52 0.16
SPI 16 Registration 330 990 16 0.05
SPI 17 Special Momentos for Chief Guests 5 2500 40 7.91
SPI 18 General Mementos 30 6000 95 3.16
SPI 19 Certificates 330 4950 78 0.24
SPI 20 Arch 2 10000 158 79.06
SPI 21 Boards 5 5000 79 15.81
Total 235940 3731
Event facilities and management
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
EFM 1 Auditorium 2 10000 158 79.06
EFM 2 Hall 2 6000 95 47.44
EFM 3 PA system 3 18000 285 94.88
EFM 4 Internet 2 10000 158 79.06
EFM 5 Video streaming 2 4000 63 31.63
EFM 6 Media Interface 2 5000 79 39.53
EFM 7 Fire & safety 1 1000 16 15.81
EFM 8 First Aid 1 1000 16 15.81
EFM 9 Projector 3 4500 71 23.72
EFM 10 Stationery 1 1000 16 15.81
EFM 11 Labour 6 3000 47 7.91
EFM 12 Decorations 1 5000 79 79.06
EFM 13 Recording & Documentation 1 25000 395 395.32
EFM 14 Police permissions & Security 1 1000 16 15.81
EFM 15 Standby Generator 2 4000 63 31.63
EFM 16 Phone charges 5 750 12 2.37
EFM 17 Postal 100 3000 47 0.47
Total 102250 1617
Featured events (Wiki Wetlands Explore, QR Code & GLAM)
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
FE 1 Boat Rentals (Capacity 30 persons each) 3 18000 285 94.88 Passenger cruise boats covering the backwaters and wetlands of ecological and bio-diversity importance on a 6 hour cruise. Live demonstrations and lectures by subject matter experts. Aquisiotion of valuable imagery for Wikimedia Commons.
FE 2 Alappuzha Loves Wikimedia (Photowalk) 2 4000 63 31.63
FE 3 Site Digitisation (QR Code) (GLAM) 2 6000 95 47.44
Total 28000 443
Inter-community interaction (Scholarship for delegates)
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
ICI 1 Travel Ticket Re-imbursement 50 50000 791 15.81 Scholarship to other Indic language community members for economy 2nd Class (Non A/C Sleeper) train ticket.
Total 50000 791
Pre-conference expenses
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
PCE 1 Committee meetings 4 5000 79 19.77
PCE 2 Pre-conference outreach workshops 4 12000 190 47.44
Total 17000 269
Summary of expenses
Code No. Item INR US$ %age Notes
FAT 1 Food, Accommodation and Local Transport 221385 3501 0.34
SPI 2 SWAGs, Publicity and Information Dispersal 235940 3731 0.36
EFM 3 Event facilities and management 102250 1617 0.16
FE 4 Featured events (Wiki Wetlands Explore, QR Code & GLAM) 28000 443 0.04
ICI 5 Inter-community interaction (Scholarship for delegates) 50000 791 0.08
PCE 6 Pre-conference expenses 17000 269 0.03
Total 654575 10351 100 %

Expenses as allocated to different grants

Expenses to be met by WMF grant
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
FAT 1 Breakfast 220 8800 139 0.63 Breakfasts
FAT 2 Local transport 11 11000 174 15.81
FAT 3 Forenoon refreshments 619 12380 196 0.32
FAT 4 Lunch 625 51105 808 1.29
FAT 5 Afternoon Refreshments 614 12280 194 0.32
FAT 6 Evening Refreshments 291 5820 92 0.32
FAT 7 Dinner 250 20000 316 1.27
FAT 8 Accommodation 225 90000 1423 6.33
FAT 9 Local Transport & TA for guests 10 10000 158 15.81
Total 221385 3501
Expenses to be met by CIS grant
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
SPI 1 Wiki T-Shirts 300 0 0 0.00
SPI 2 WikiPen 1000 10000 158 0.16
SPI 3 Wiki keychains 250 6250 99 0.40
SPI 4 Wiki School Bags 100 30000 474 4.74
SPI 5 Wiki Stickers 1000 5000 79 0.08
SPI 6 Brochures 500 5000 79 0.16
SPI 7 Notice 1000 4000 63 0.06
SPI 8 Poster 1000 20000 316 0.32
SPI 9 Print-outs & Photocopies 100 1000 16 0.16
SPI 10 Badges Type 1 (Committee) 25 500 8 0.32
SPI 11 Badges Type 2 (Guest) 25 750 12 0.47
SPI 12 Badges Type 3 (Volunteer) 35 700 11 0.32
SPI 13 Badges Type 4 (Participant) 330 3300 52 0.16
SPI 14 Registration 330 990 16 0.05
SPI 15 Certificates 330 4950 78 0.24
SPI 16 Arch 2 10000 158 79.06
SPI 17 Boards 5 5000 79 15.81
CEF 18 Recording & Documentation 1 25000 395 395.32
CEF 19 PA system 3 18000 285 94.88
Total 150440 2379
Expenses to be met by WMIN grant
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
PCE 1 Committee meetings 4 5000 79 19.77
PCE 2 Pre-conference outreach workshops 4 12000 190 47.44
CEF 3 Auditorium 2 10000 158 79.06
CEF 4 Hall 2 6000 95 47.44
CEF 5 Internet 2 10000 158 79.06
CEF 6 Video streaming 2 4000 63 31.63
CEF 7 Media Interface 2 5000 79 39.53
CEF 8 Fire & safety 1 1000 16 15.81
CEF 9 First Aid 1 1000 16 15.81
CEF 10 Projector 3 4500 71 23.72
CEF 11 Stationary 1 1000 16 15.81
CEF 12 Labour 6 3000 47 7.91
CEF 13 Decorations 1 5000 79 79.06
CEF 14 Police permissions & Security 1 1000 16 15.81
CEF 15 Standby Generator 2 4000 63 31.63
CEF 16 Phone charges 5 750 12 2.37
CEF 17 Postal 100 3000 47 0.47
SPI 18 Special Momentos for Chief Guests 5 2500 40 7.91
SPI 19 General Mementos 30 6000 95 3.16
SPI 20 WikiHandbook 1000 60000 949 0.95
SPI 21 Travel Ticket Re-imbursement 50 50000 791 15.81
FE 22 Boat Rentals (Capacity 30 persons each) 3 18000 285 94.88
FE 23 Alappuzha Loves Wikimedia (Photowalk) 2 4000 63 31.63
FE 24 Site Digitisation (QR Code) (GLAM) 2 6000 95 47.44
Total 222750 3522
Expenses to be met by local sponsors & registration fees
Code No. Item Quantity INR US$ Rate Notes
SPI 1 Creative Commons Handbook 1000 60000 949 0.95
Total 60000 949
Summary of expenses allocation
Code No. Item INR US$ %age Notes
WMF 1 WMF 221385 3501 33.8%
CIS 2 CIS 150440 2379 23%
WMIN 3 WMIN 222750 3522 34%
LS 4 Local Sponsors & Registration fees 60000 949 9.2%
Total 654575 10351 100 %

Schedule of estimates

Food, Accommodation & Local transport
Date Time Source Code Item Rate Quantity Amount Notes
width ="60" INR US$ VA LP RP NP SP CG HA MR Total VA LP RP NP SP CG H4 MR Total

2013/12/20 06:00 WMF FAT Breakfast 40 0.63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2013/12/20 11:00 WMF FAT Forenoon refreshments 20 0.32 5 3 8 100 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 160
2013/12/20 01:00 WMF FAT Lunch 75 1.19 10 4 14 750 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 1050
2013/12/20 03:00 WMF FAT Local transport 1000 15.81 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 1000
2013/12/20 04:00 WMF FAT Afternoon Refreshments 20 0.32 15 5 20 300 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 400
2013/12/20 07:00 WMF FAT Evening Refreshments 20 0.32 20 30 30 5 85 400 0 600 600 0 0 100 0 1700
2013/12/20 09:00 WMF FAT Dinner 80 1.27 20 30 30 5 85 1600 0 2400 2400 0 0 400 0 6800
2013/12/20 10:00 WMF FAT Accommodation 400 6.33 30 30 60 0 0 12000 12000 0 0 0 0 24000
2013/12/21 06:00 WMF FAT Breakfast 40 0.63 30 30 60 0 0 1200 1200 0 0 0 0 2400
2013/12/21 03:00 WMF FAT Local transport 1000 15.81 1 1 2 1000 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 2000
2013/12/21 11:00 WMF FAT Forenoon refreshments 20 0.32 20 50 50 30 100 4 2 256 400 1000 1000 600 2000 80 0 40 5120
2013/12/21 01:00 WMF FAT Lunch 75 1.19 20 50 50 30 100 4 2 256 1500 3750 3750 2250 7500 300 0 150 19200
2013/12/21 04:00 WMF FAT Afternoon Refreshments 20 0.32 150 50 30 6 3 239 0 3000 1000 600 0 120 0 60 4780
2013/12/21 07:00 WMF FAT Evening Refreshments 20 0.32 50 30 6 86 0 0 1000 600 0 120 0 0 1720
2013/12/21 09:00 WMF FAT Dinner 80 1.27 50 30 80 0 0 4000 2400 0 0 0 0 6400
2013/12/21 10:00 WMF FAT Accommodation 400 6.33 50 30 80 0 0 20000 12000 0 0 0 0 32000
2013/12/22 06:00 WMF FAT Breakfast 40 0.63 50 30 80 0 0 2000 1200 0 0 0 0 3200
2013/12/22 03:00 WMF FAT Local transport 1000 15.81 1 1 1 1 4 1000 0 1000 1000 0 0 1000 0 4000
2013/12/22 11:00 WMF FAT Forenoon refreshments 20 0.32 20 150 50 30 6 2 3 261 400 3000 1000 600 0 120 40 60 5220
2013/12/22 01:00 WMF FAT Lunch 75 1.19 20 150 50 30 6 2 3 261 1500 11250 3750 2250 0 450 150 225 19575
2013/12/22 04:00 WMF FAT Afternoon Refreshments 20 0.32 20 150 50 30 6 2 3 261 400 3000 1000 600 0 120 40 60 5220
2013/12/22 07:00 WMF FAT Evening Refreshments 20 0.32 50 30 80 0 0 1000 600 0 0 0 0 1600
2013/12/22 09:00 WMF FAT Dinner 80 1.27 50 30 80 0 0 4000 2400 0 0 0 0 6400
2013/12/22 10:00 WMF FAT Accommodation 400 6.33 50 30 80 0 0 20000 12000 0 0 0 0 32000
2013/12/23 06:00 WMF FAT Breakfast 40 0.63 50 30 80 0 0 2000 1200 0 0 0 0 3200
2013/12/23 03:00 WMF FAT Local transport 1000 15.81 1 1 1 1 4 1000 0 1000 1000 0 0 1000 0 4000
2013/12/23 11:00 WMF FAT Forenoon refreshments 20 0.32 20 30 30 8 2 4 94 0 400 600 600 0 160 40 80 1880
2013/12/23 01:00 WMF FAT Lunch 120 1.90 20 30 30 8 2 4 94 0 2400 3600 3600 0 960 240 480 11280
2013/12/23 04:00 WMF FAT Afternoon Refreshments 20 0.32 20 30 30 8 2 4 94 0 400 600 600 0 160 40 80 1880
2013/12/23 07:00 WMF FAT Evening Refreshments 20 0.32 5 5 30 40 100 0 100 600 0 0 0 0 800
2013/12/23 09:00 WMF FAT Dinner 80 1.27 5 5 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400
2013/12/23 10:00 WMF FAT Accommodation 400 6.33 5 5 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000
2013/12/22 12:00 WMF FAT Local Transport & TA for guests 1000 15.81 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 10000 0 0 10000

Program and event management Expenses
Date Time Source Code Item Rate Quantity Amount Notes
width ="60" INR US$ VA LP RP NP SP CG HA MR Total VA LP RP NP SP CG H4 MR Total
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN4 SPI WikiHandbook 60 0.95 400 200 50 50 100 200 1000 24000 12000 3000 3000 6000 0 0 12000 60000
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Wiki T-Shirts 0 0.00 70 150 50 30 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI WikiPen 10 0.16 400 200 50 60 200 20 20 50 1000 4000 2000 500 600 2000 200 200 500 10000
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Wiki keychains 25 0.40 150 50 30 10 10 250 0 3750 1250 750 0 250 0 250 6250
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Wiki School Bags 300 4.74 100 100 0 0 0 0 30000 0 0 0 30000
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Wiki Stickers 5 0.08 60 300 150 90 400 1000 300 1500 750 450 2000 0 0 0 5000
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Brochures 10 0.16 500 500 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5000
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Notice 4 0.06 1000 1000 4000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4000
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Poster 20 0.32 1000 1000 20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20000
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Print-outs & Photocopies 10 0.16 100 100 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Badges Type 1 (Committee) 20 0.32 25 25 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Badges Type 2 (Guest) 30 0.47 25 25 0 0 0 0 0 750 0 0 750
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Badges Type 3 (Volunteer) 20 0.32 30 5 35 600 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 700
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Badges Type 4 (Participant) 10 0.16 150 50 30 100 330 0 1500 500 300 1000 0 0 0 3300
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Registration 3 0.05 150 50 30 100 330 0 450 150 90 300 0 0 0 990
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Certificates 15 0.24 150 50 30 100 330 0 2250 750 450 1500 0 0 0 4950
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Arch 5000 79.06 2 2 10000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS SPI Boards 1000 15.81 5 5 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Auditorium 5000 79.06 2 2 10000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Hall 3000 47.44 2 2 6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6000
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS EFM PA system 6000 94.88 3 3 18000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Internet 5000 79.06 2 2 10000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Video streaming 2000 31.63 2 2 4000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Media Interface 2500 39.53 2 2 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Fire & safety 1000 15.81 1 1 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM First Aid 1000 15.81 1 1 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Projector 1500 23.72 3 3 4500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4500
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Stationary 1000 15.81 1 1 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Labour 500 7.91 6 6 3000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Decorations 5000 79.06 1 1 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5000
2013/12/20 06:00 CIS EFM Recording & Documentation 25000 395.32 1 1 25000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Police permissions & Security 1000 15.81 1 1 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Standby Generator 2000 31.63 2 2 4000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Phone charges 150 2.37 5 5 750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 EFM Postal 30 0.47 100 100 0 0 0 0 3000 0 0 0 3000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 SPI Special Momentos for Chief Guests 500 7.91 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 2500 0 0 2500
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 SPI General Mementos 200 3.16 30 30 0 0 0 6000 0 0 0 0 6000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 PCE Committee meetings 1250 19.77 4 4 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN1 PCE Pre-conference outreach workshops 3000 47.44 4 4 12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN2 FE Boat Rentals (Capacity 30 persons each) 6000 94.88 3 3 18000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN2 FE Alappuzha Loves Wikimedia (Photowalk) 2000 31.63 2 2 4000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN2 FE Site Digitisation (QR Code) (GLAM) 3000 47.44 2 2 6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6000
2013/12/20 06:00 WMIN3 ICI Travel Ticket Re-imbursement 1000 15.81 20 30 50 0 0 20000 30000 0 0 0 0 50000
2013/12/20 06:00 LS SPI Creative Commons Handbook 60 0.95 200 100 25 25 50 100 500 12000 6000 1500 1500 3000 0 0 6000 30000
2013/12/20 06:00 REG SPI Creative Commons Handbook 60 0.95 200 100 25 25 50 100 500 12000 6000 1500 1500 3000 0 0 6000 30000

INR = Indian Rupees; VA = Voluntary Assistants; LP = Local Participants; RP = Regional Participants; NP = National Participants; SP = Student Participants; CG = Chief Guests; HA = Helper Assistants; MR= Media Representatives)