[തിരുത്തുക] [പുതുക്കുക] ഫലകത്തിന്റെ വിവരണം

This template allows linking to external links found on most current UK House of Commons biographies. This will aid in the maintenance and standardization of these external links.


{{UK MP links
| parliament   = 
| hansardcurr  = 
| hansard      = 
| publicwhip   = 
| theywork     = 
| record       = 
| journalisted = 


{{UK MP links | parliament = | hansardcurr = | hansard = | publicwhip = | theywork = | record = | journalisted = }}

The order of the fields does not matter.

  • All parameters are optional, but if you don't include any of them, nothing will show up.
  • Do not use capital letters. They might disrupt the code.
  • The parliament field may be a combined name and numerical id (e.g. nick-clegg/1563) or numerical id only (e.g. 1563). Either format will work.
Field Data Result URL source
parliament id Parliament Profile and Contributions in Parliament 2010–present http://www.parliament.uk/biographies/commons/[parliament] (name and numerical id)
https://hansard.parliament.uk/search/MemberContributions?memberId=[parliament] (numerical id only)
hansardcurr name Contributions in Parliament 2006–2010 http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200607/cmhansrd/cmallfiles/mps/commons_hansard_[hansardcurr]_home.html
hansard name Contributions in Parliament 1803–2005 http://hansard.millbanksystems.com/people/[hansard]
publicwhip name Voting record http://www.publicwhip.org.uk/mp.php?mpn=[publicwhip]
theywork name Record in Parliament http://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/[theywork]
record id Profile http://www.parliamentaryrecord.com/content/profiles/mp/[record]
journalisted name Articles authored http://journalisted.com/[journalisted]

Nick Clegg:

{{ UK MP links  
| parliament   = nick-clegg/1563
| hansardcurr  = 2631
| hansard      = mr-nick-clegg
| publicwhip   = Nicholas_Clegg
| theywork     = nicholas_clegg
| record       = Nick-Clegg/Sheffield-Hallam/1086
| journalisted = nick-clegg
will return all relevant external links:
"https://ml.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ഫലകം:UK_MP_links&oldid=2724015" എന്ന താളിൽനിന്ന് ശേഖരിച്ചത്