[തിരുത്തുക] [പുതുക്കുക] ഫലകത്തിന്റെ വിവരണം

The template can be used for any mythological figure.

{{Infobox deity
| type        = Egyptian
| name        =
| image       =
| image_size  =
| caption     =
| deity_of    =
| hiro        =
| cult_center =
| symbol      =
| parents     =
| siblings    =
| consort     =
| offspring   =
{{Infobox deity
| type             = Etruscan
| name             =
| image            =
| image_size       =
| caption          =
| deity_of         =
| abode            =
| symbol           =
| consort          =
| parents          =
| siblings         =
| children         =
| mount            =
| Greek_equivalent =
| Roman_equivalent =

{{Infobox deity
| type             = Greek
| name             =
| image            =
| image_size       =
| caption          =
| deity_of         =
| abode            =
| symbol           =
| consort          =
| parents          =
| siblings         =
| children         =
| mount            =
| Roman_equivalent =
{{Infobox deity
| type             = Roman
| name             =
| image            =
| image_size       =
| caption          =
| deity_of         =
| abode            =
| symbol           =
| consort          =
| parents          =
| siblings         =
| children         =
| mount            =
| Greek_equivalent =

{{Infobox deity
| type        = Irish
| name        = 
| image       = 
| image_size  = 
| caption     =
| member_of   = the [[Tuatha Dé Danann]]
| abodes      = 
| weapons     =
| battles     =
| artefacts   =
| animals     = 
| parents     = 
| siblings    = 
| consorts    = 
| children    = 
{{Infobox deity
| type       = Norse
| name       = 
| image      = 
| image_size = 
| alt        = 
| caption    =
| deity_of   = 
| Old_Norse  =
| world      = 
| symbol     = 
| parents    = 
| siblings   = 
| consort    = 
| children   = 

{{Infobox deity
| type             = Slavic
| name             =
| image            =
| image_size       =
| caption          =
| deity_of         =
| abode            =
| symbol           =
| consort          =
| parents          =
| siblings         =
| children         =
| mount            =
| Roman_equivalent =
| Christian_equivalent =
| Slavic_equivalent =
{{Infobox deity
| type             = Turkic
| name             =
| image            =
| image_size       =
| caption          =
| deity_of         =
| abode            =
| symbol           =
| consort          =
| parents          =
| siblings         =
| children         =

{{Infobox deity<!--Wikipedia:WikiProject Hindu mythology-->
| type                     = Hindu
| name                     =
| image                    =
| caption                  =
| alt                      = for alternate text of the title image per [[WP:ALT]]
| image_size               = <!-- default 250px -->
| deity_of                 = <!--eg. god of death-->
| Devanagari               =
| Sanskrit_transliteration =
| Tamil_script             =
| script_name              = <!--Enter name of local script used-->
| script                   = <!--Enter the name of the deity in the local script used -->
| affiliation              = <!--eg. Avatara of Vishnu-->
| abode                    =
| mantra                   = <!--eg. Gayatri-->
| weapon                   = <!--eg. Sudarshan Chakra-->
| symbols                  = <!--Other symbols associated with individual devas -->
| consort                  =
| mount                    = <!-- (Vahana) e.g. Garuda  -->
| texts                    = <!--eg. Ganesha Purana, Mudgala Purana-->
| region                   = <!--ie. province or area for a regional deity (e.g. Bengal)-->
{{Infobox deity
| type      = Alusi
| name      = 
| image     =
| caption   =
| deity_of  = ''[[Alusi]] of ...''
| symbol    =
| number    =
| associate =
| planet    = 
| day       =
| color     = 

{{Infobox deity
| type         =
| name         =

| image        =
| image_size   =
| alt          = 
| caption      =

| other_names  =
| hiro         =
| Old_Norse    = 
| Devanagari   =
| Sanskrit_transliteration =
| Tamil_script =
| Tamil_transliteration =
| script_name  =
| script       =

| deity_of     =
| member_of    =
| affiliation  = <!-- or | associate = -->
| cult_center  =
| abode        = <!-- or | abodes = -->
| planet       =
| world        = 

| mantra       =
| weapon       = <!-- or | weapons = -->
| battles      =
| artifacts    = <!-- or | artefacts = -->
| animals      =
| symbol       = <!-- or | symbols = -->
| day          =
| color        = <!-- or | colour = -->
| number       =

| consort      = <!-- or | consorts = -->
| parents      =
| siblings     =
| offspring    = <!-- or | children = -->
| mount        =
| texts        =

| Greek_equivalent     =
| Roman_equivalent     =
| Etruscan_equivalent  =
| Christian_equivalent =
| Slavic_equivalent    =

| region       =
| ethnic_group =
| festivals    =
Attired in an orange dhoti, an elephant-headed man sits on a large lotus. His body is red in colour and he wears various golden necklaces and bracelets and a snake around his neck. On the three points of his crown, budding lotuses have been fixed. He holds in his two right hands the rosary (lower hand) and a cup filled with three modakas (round yellow sweets), a fourth modaka held by the curving trunk is just about to be tasted. In his two left hands, he holds a lotus above and an axe below, with its handle leaning against his shoulder.
Basohli miniature, circa 1730. National Museum, New Delhi, India.
മന്ത്രംॐ गणेशाय नमः
(Oṃ Gaṇeśāya Namaḥ)
ആയുധങ്ങൾParaśu (axe)
Pāśa (lasso)
Aṅkuśa (hook)
പ്രതീകംAum, modak
ജീവിത പങ്കാളിBuddhi (wisdom)
Riddhi (prosperity)
Siddhi (attainment)
{{Infobox deity <!--Wikipedia:WikiProject Hindu mythology-->
| type                     = Hindu 
| name                     = Ganesha ({{IAST|Gaṇeśa}})
| image                    = Ganesha Basohli miniature circa 1730 Dubost p73.jpg
| image_size               = 250px
| caption                  = [[Basohli Painting|Basohli]] miniature, circa 1730. [[National Museum, New Delhi|National Museum]], [[New Delhi]], [[India]].
| alt                      = Attired in an orange dhoti, an elephant-headed man sits on a large lotus. His body is red in colour and he wears various golden necklaces and bracelets and a snake around his neck. On the three points of his crown, budding lotuses have been fixed. He holds in his two right hands the rosary (lower hand) and a cup filled with three modakas (round yellow sweets), a fourth modaka held by the curving trunk is just about to be tasted. In his two left hands, he holds a lotus above and an axe below, with its handle leaning against his shoulder.
| Devanagari               = {{lang|sa|गणेश}} 
| Sanskrit_transliteration = {{IAST|gaṇeśa}}
| Tamil_script             = 
| affiliation              = [[Deva (Hinduism)|Deva]]
| mantra                   = {{lang|sa|ॐ गणेशाय नमः}} <br />({{IAST|Oṃ Gaṇeśāya Namaḥ}})
| weapon                   = {{IAST|[[Paraśu]]}} (Axe),<br /> [[Pāśa]] (Lasso), <br />[[Ankus|{{IAST|Aṅkuśa}}]] (Hook)
| consort                  = [[Buddhi]] (wisdom),<br/>[[Riddhi]] (prosperity),<br/>[[Siddhi]] (attainment)
| mount                    = [[Mouse]]/[[rat]]
| symbols                  = [[Aum]], [[modak]]
"https://ml.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ഫലകം:Infobox_deity&oldid=4440882" എന്ന താളിൽനിന്ന് ശേഖരിച്ചത്