തിരുത്തുകUsed with Template:chset-tableformat to indicate a table cell for a control character or non-printing punctuation character.
For example, the first four ASCII control characters (Unicode U+0000 thru U+0003, decimal 0 thru 3) are coded as rows in a character set table like this:
{{chset-color-ctrl}}|{{chset-ctrl3|0000|[[Null character|NUL]] |0}} {{chset-color-ctrl}}|{{chset-ctrl3|0001|[[Start of heading|SOH]]|1}} {{chset-color-ctrl}}|{{chset-ctrl3|0002|[[Start of text|STX]] |2}} {{chset-color-ctrl}}|{{chset-ctrl3|0003|[[End of text|ETX]] |3}}
Another example illustrates the coding for a few of the ISO/IEC non-printing punctuation characters:
{{chset-color-punct}}|{{chset-ctrl3|0020|[[Space (character) |SP]] | 32}} {{chset-color-punct}}|{{chset-ctrl3|00A0|[[Non-breaking space|NBSP]]|160}} {{chset-color-punct}}|{{chset-ctrl3|00AD|[[Soft hyphen |SHY]] |173}}
Note: This template replaces Template:chset-ctrl.