ഘടകം:Bar box
This module uses TemplateStyles: |
This 'Bar box' template documentation is transcluded for all Bar box/doc including templates [edit].Masterpage
{{bar box}}
, {{bar percent}}
and {{bar pixel}}
are a family of templates for construction of horizontal bar charts.
തിരുത്തുക{{Bar box |width = width of the graph (optional) |barwidth= width of the bararea (optional, defaults to 100px) |float = (left|right|none) (optional, defaults to none) |title = title of the chart (optional) |titlebar= title bar colour (optional, defaults to none) |left1 = first left column header (optional) |left2 = second left column header (optional) |right1 = first right column header (optional) |right2 = second right column header (optional) |bars = chart contents(see below) |caption = caption under the chart (optional)} }}
Chart contents
തിരുത്തുകBar box can contain any number of bars. There are two types of bars:
- Percentage bar:
{{bar percent|row label|colour|value (width in percents)|optional value label}}
If value label is not provided, it is constructed from the percentage and "%".
- Pixel bar:
{{bar pixel|row label|colour|value (width in pixels)|value suffix|optional value label}}
If value label is provided, value suffix is ignored. Otherwise, the value label is constructed from the value and the value suffix. This is used as shorthand. Both following examples give identical results:
{{bar pixel|foo|red|12||12,345}} {{bar pixel|foo|red|12|,345}}
തിരുത്തുക{{bar box |float=right |caption=distribution of stuff |width=200px |bars= {{bar percent|foo|red|30}} {{bar percent|bar|green|40}} {{bar percent|baz|blue|20}} {{bar percent|bla|orange|8}} {{bar percent|bla|teal|2|1/50}} }}
{{bar box |title=Quantity of stuff |titlebar=#DDD |left1=kinds of stuff |right2=pcs. |width=400px |bars= {{bar pixel|Foobar|red|33|,213}} {{bar pixel|Barfoo|green|123|,123}} {{bar pixel|Bazbar|blue|210|,121}} {{bar pixel|Barfoobaz|orange|13||12,854}} |caption=Some stuff displayed by quantity. }}
{{bar box |float=right |title=Election results |titlebar=#AAF |left1=party |left2=year |right1=votes |right2=change |width=300px |bars= {{bar percent 2|Left|1898|silver|33|1902|red|42|+9%}} {{bar percent 2|Right|1898|silver|40|1902|black|35|-5%}} {{bar percent 2|Middle|1898|silver|17|1902|blue|10|-7%}} {{bar percent 2|Other|1898|silver|10|1902|gray|13|+3%}} |caption=1902 and 1898 election results in Freedonia compared. }}
Tracking category
തിരുത്തുകSee also
തിരുത്തുക- {{Vertical bar chart}}
- {{bar chart}}
- WP:Graphs
require('Module:Lua class')
require('Module:No globals')
local BarBox = class('BarBox', {
_css = 'Module:Bar box/styles.css',
__init = function (self, args)
self.css = args[1] or args.css
self.float = args[2] or args.float or 'none'
self.backgroundcolor = args[3] or args.backgroundcolor or 'white'
self.borderwidth = args[4] or args.borderwidth or '1'
self.style = args[5] or args.style
self.width = args[6] or args.width-- or 'auto'
self.barwidth = args[7] or args.barwidth or '100px'
self.lineheight = args[8] or args.lineheight-- or '1.6'
self.title = args[9] or args.title
self.titlebar = args[10] or args.titlebar-- or 'none'
self.left1 = args[11] or args.left1
self.left2 = args[12] or args.left2
self.right1 = args[13] or args.right1
self.right2 = args[14] or args.right2
self.bars = args[15] or args.bars
self.caption = args[16] or args.caption -- deprecated
self.footer = args[17] or args.footer or args[16] or args.caption
create = function (cls, args)
args = mw.clone(args)
args.float = args.float and args.float:lower()
args.width = tonumber(args.width) and args.width .. 'px' or args.width and args.width:lower()
args.barwidth = tonumber(args.barwidth) and args.barwidth .. 'px' or args.barwidth and args.barwidth:lower()
return cls(args)
_sDefaultAlign = 'lrlr',
_tDefaultAlign = {false, 'r', false, 'r'},
_setAlign = function (obj, align)
obj._alignClasses = {}
for i, d in ipairs(obj._tDefaultAlign) do
local a = align:sub(i,i)
if a == 'l' then
a = false
elseif a == 'd' then
a = d
elseif a ~= 'c' and a ~= 'r' then
error('unrecognized align[' .. i .. ']')
obj._alignClasses[i] = a and 'class=bb-' .. a
html = function (self)
local output = {}
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
output[1] = frame:extensionTag('templatestyles', '', {src=self._css}) .. '\n'
output[2] = self.css and frame:extensionTag('templatestyles', '', {src=self.css}) .. '\n' or ''
local class = 'barbox'
if self.float == 'left' or self.float == 'right' then
class = class .. ' t' .. self.float
output[3] =
'<div class="' .. class .. '" style="background:' .. self.backgroundcolor ..
'; border:' .. self.borderwidth .. 'px solid silver' ..
(self.float == 'center' and '; margin:0 auto' or '') ..
(self.width and '; width:' .. self.width or '') ..
(self.style and '; ' .. self.style or '') .. '">\n' ..
'{|' .. (self.lineheight and ' style="line-height:' .. self.lineheight .. '"' or '') .. '\n'
output[4] = self.title and
'|+ class=bb-default' .. (self.titlebar and ' style="background:' .. self.titlebar .. '"' or '') .. ' |\n' ..
self.title .. '\n'
or ''
output[5] = '|- class=bb-default style="font-size:88%; min-height:4px"\n'
if self._alignClasses then -- same as self.__class._alignClasses
self._alignClasses = self._alignClasses
self.__class._alignClasses = nil
self._setAlign(self, self._sDefaultAlign)
local attributes =
not self.left2 and 'colspan=2' .. (self._alignClasses[1] and ' ' .. self._alignClasses[1] or '') or self._alignClasses[1]
output[6] = '!' .. (attributes and attributes .. '|' or '') .. (self.left1 or ' ')
output[7] = self.left2 and '!!' .. (self._alignClasses[2] and self._alignClasses[2] .. '|' or '') .. self.left2 or ''
output[8] = '!!style="width:' .. self.barwidth .. '"| '
attributes =
not self.right2 and 'colspan=2' .. (self._alignClasses[4] and ' ' .. self._alignClasses[4] or '') or self._alignClasses[3]
output[9] = '!!' .. (attributes and attributes .. '|' or '') .. (self.right1 or self.right2 and ' ' or '')
output[10] = self.right2 and '!!' .. (self._alignClasses[4] and self._alignClasses[4] .. '|' or '') .. self.right2 or ''
output[11] = '\n'
output[12] = self.bars and self.bars .. '\n' or ''
if self.caption then
output[15] = '\n[[Category:Pages using bar box with deprecated caption parameter]]'
output[15] = ''
output[13] = self.footer and
'|- class=bb-default\n| colspan=5 style="padding:5px 0" | ' .. -- <p> is created if \n precedes the footer
self.footer .. '\n'
or ''
output[14] = '|}\n</div>'
return table.concat(output)
__tostring = function (self)
return self.html()
percent = function (args)
local output = {}
local percentage = (args[3] or '0') .. '%'
output[1] = '|-' .. (args.bg and 'style="background:' .. args.bg .. '"' or '') .. '\n'
output[2] = '|colspan=2 class=bb-min8|' .. (args[1] or ' ')
output[3] = '||class=bb-b|'
output[4] = '<div style="background:' .. (args[2] or 'gray') .. '; width:' .. percentage .. '">​</div>'
output[5] = '||' .. (args.note and '' or 'colspan=2 class=bb-r|') .. (args[4] or percentage)
output[6] = args.note and '||class=bb-r|' .. args.note or ''
return table.concat(output)
pixel = function (args)
local output = {}
local pixels = args[3] or '0'
output[1] = '|-' .. (args.bg and 'style="background:' .. args.bg .. '"' or '') .. '\n'
output[2] = '|colspan=2|' .. (args[1] or ' ')
output[3] = '||class=bb-b|'
output[4] = '<div style="background:' .. (args[2] or 'gray') .. '; width:' .. pixels .. 'px">​</div>'
output[5] = '||class="bb-min3' .. (args.note and '"' or ' bb-r" colspan=2') .. '|' .. (args[5] or pixels .. (args[4] or ''))
output[6] = args.note and '||class=bb-r|' .. args.note or ''
return table.concat(output)
stacked = function (cls, args)
local output = {}
output[1] = args.id and
'|-class="mw-collapsible' .. (args.collapsed and ' mw-collapsed' or '') .. '" id=mw-customcollapsible-' .. args.id .. '\n'
or '|-\n'
if not cls._alignClasses then
cls._setAlign(cls, args.align and args.align:lower() or cls._sDefaultAlign)
local attributes =
not args.note1 and 'colspan=2' .. (cls._alignClasses[1] and ' ' .. cls._alignClasses[1] or '') or cls._alignClasses[1]
output[2] = '|' .. (attributes and attributes .. '|' or '') .. (args[1] or ' ')
output[3] = args.note1 and '||' .. (cls._alignClasses[2] and cls._alignClasses[2] .. '|' or '') .. args.note1 or ''
output[4] = '||class=bb-b|'
local len = 0 -- can't use #args because of [[Module:Arguments#Known limitations]]
for k in pairs(args) do
local idx = tonumber(k) or 0
if idx > len then len = idx end
if args.bkgclasses then -- used when wikitext minimization is essential
for i = 1, len-2 do
local width, delim, title --is delim reset every cycle?
width = args[i+2] or 0
width = tonumber(('%.2f'):format(width))
if width > 0 then
if not delim then -- assuming title types are consistent
delim = tonumber(args['title' .. i]) and '' or '"'
title = args['title' .. i] and ' title=' .. delim .. args['title' .. i] .. delim or ''
output[#output+1] =
'<div' .. title .. ' class=' .. args.bkgclasses[i] .. ' style=width:' .. width .. 'px>​</div>'
for i = 1, (len-2) / 2 do
local width, title, background
width = args[2*i + 2] or 0
width = tonumber(('%.2f'):format(width))
if width > 0 then
title = args['title' .. i] and ' title="' .. args['title' .. i] .. '"' or ''
background = args[2*i + 1] or 'gray'
output[#output+1] =
'<div' .. title .. ' style="background:' .. background .. '; width:' .. width .. 'px">​</div>'
if #output == 4 then
output[5] = ' '
attributes =
not args.note2 and 'colspan=2' .. (cls._alignClasses[4] and ' ' .. cls._alignClasses[4] or '') or cls._alignClasses[3]
output[#output+1] = '||' .. (attributes and attributes .. '|' or '') .. (args[2] or args.note2 and ' ' or '')
output[#output+1] = args.note2 and '||' .. (cls._alignClasses[4] and cls._alignClasses[4] .. '|' or '') .. args.note2 or ''
return table.concat(output)
gap = function (args)
local output = {}
local height = tonumber(args.height) and args.height .. 'px' or args.height and args.height:lower() or '10px'
output[1] = '|-\n'
output[2] = '|colspan=5 style="height:' .. height .. '"|' .. (args[1] or '')
return table.concat(output)
__classmethods = {'create', 'stacked'},
__staticmethods = {'_setAlign', 'percent', 'pixel', 'gap'},
__slots = {'_alignClasses'}
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local p = {BarBox}
function p.box(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local box = BarBox.create(args)
return tostring(box)
function p.percent(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return BarBox.percent(args)
function p.pixel(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return BarBox.pixel(args)
function p.stacked(frame)
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
local args = getArgs(frame, {
valueFunc = function (key, value)
if value then
if key == 'collapsed' then
return yesno(value)
elseif key == 'bkgclasses' then
return mw.text.jsonDecode(value) -- string to table
value = mw.text.trim(value)
if value ~= '' then
return value
return nil
return BarBox.stacked(args)
function p.gap(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return BarBox.gap(args)
return p