"റെനെ ദെക്കാർത്ത്" എന്ന താളിന്റെ പതിപ്പുകൾ തമ്മിലുള്ള വ്യത്യാസം

(ചെ.) r2.7.3) (യന്ത്രം ചേർക്കുന്നു: ba:Рене Декарт
വരി 52:
== അവലംബം ==
===സമാഹരിച്ച കൃതികൾ===
* ''Oeuvres de Descartes'' edited by Charles Adam and Paul Tannery, Paris: Léopold Cerf, 1897–1913, 13 volumes; new revised edition, Paris: Vrin-CNRS, 1964–1974, 11 vol.
This work is traditionally cited with the initials ''AT'' (for Adam and Tannery) followed by a volume number in Roman numerals; thus ''AT VII'' refers to ''Oeuvres de Descartes'' volume 7.
* ''Oeuvres de jeunesse (1616-1631)'' edited by Vincent Carraud, Paris: PUF, 2013.
===ഇംഗ്ലീഷിലെ തർജ്ജമകളുടെ സമാഹാരങ്ങൾ===
*1955. ''The Philosophical Works'', E.S. Haldane and G.R.T. Ross, trans. Dover Publications. This work is traditionally cited with the initials ''HR'' (for Haldane and Ross) followed by a volume number in Roman numerals; thus ''HRII'' refers to volume 2 of this edition.
*1988. ''The Philosophical Writings of Descartes'' in 3 vols. Cottingham, J., Stoothoff, R., Kenny, A., and Murdoch, D., trans. Cambridge University Press.
===ഒറ്റയ്ക്കുള്ള കൃതികൾ===
*1618. ''Compendium Musicae''.
*1628. ''[[Rules for the Direction of the Mind]]''.
*1637. ''Discourse on the Method'' ("Discours de la Methode"). An introduction to ''Dioptrique'', ''Des Météores'' and ''La Géométrie''. Original in French, because intended for a wider public.
*1637. ''La Géométrie''. Smith, David E., and Lantham, M. L., trans., 1954. ''The Geometry of René Descartes''. Dover.
*1641. ''[[Meditations on First Philosophy]]''. Cottingham, J., trans., 1996. Cambridge University Press. Latin original. Alternative English title: ''Metaphysical Meditations''. Includes six ''Objections and Replies''. A second edition published the following year, includes an additional ''Objection and Reply'' and a ''Letter to Dinet''. [http://www.wright.edu/cola/descartes/intro.html HTML Online Latin-French-English Edition]
*1644. ''Les Principes de la philosophie''. Miller, V. R. and R. P., trans., 1983. ''Principles of Philosophy''. Reidel.
*1647. ''Comments on a Certain Broadsheet''.
*1647. ''[[The Description of the Human Body]]''.
*1648. ''Conversation with Burman''.
*1649. ''[[Passions of the Soul]]''. Voss, S. H., trans., 1989. Indianapolis: Hackett. Dedicated to Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia.
===ദ്വീതീയ സ്രോതസ്സുകൾ===
*{{cite book|last=Boyer|first=Carl|year=1985|title=A History of Mathematics|location=Princeton, NJ |publisher=Princeton University Press|isbn=0-691-02391-3}}
*{{cite book|last=Carriero|first=John|year=2008|title=Between Two Worlds|publisher=Princeton University Press|isbn=978-0-691-13561-8}}
*{{cite book|last=Clarke|first=Desmond|authorlink=Desmond Clarke|year=2006|title=Descartes: A Biography|location=Cambridge|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=0-521-82301-3}}
*{{cite book|last=Costabel|first=Pierre|year=1987|title=René Descartes – Exercices pour les éléments des solides |location=Paris|publisher=Presses Universitaires de France|isbn=2-13-040099-X}}
*{{cite book|last=Cottingham|first=John |year=1992|title=The Cambridge Companion to Descartes|location=Cambridge |publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=0-521-36696-8}}
*{{cite book|last=Duncan|first=Steven M.|year=2008|title=The Proof of the External World: Cartesian Theism and the Possibility of Knowledge|location=Cambridge |publisher=James Clarke & Co|id=ISBN 978-02271-7267-4 http://www.lutterworth.com/jamesclarke/jc/titles/proofew.htm}}
*Farrell, John. "Demons of Descartes and Hobbes." ''Paranoia and Modernity: Cervantes to Rousseau'' (Cornell UP, 2006), chapter 7.
*{{cite book|last=Garber|first=Daniel|year=1992|title=Descartes' Metaphysical Physics|location=Chicago |publisher=University of Chicago Press|isbn=0-226-28219-8}}
*{{cite book|last=Garber|first=Daniel|coauthors=Michael Ayers|year=1998|title=The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy |location=Cambridge | publisher=Cambridge University Press| isbn=0-521-53721-5}}
*{{cite book|last=Gaukroger|first=Stephen|authorlink=Stephen Gaukroger|year=1995|title=Descartes: An Intellectual Biography|location=Oxford |publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=0-19-823994-7}}
*{{cite book|last=Grayling|first=A.C.|year=2005|title=Descartes: The Life and times of a Genius|location=New York |publisher=Walker Publishing Co., Inc.|isbn=0-8027-1501-X}}
*Gillespie, A. (2006). Descartes' demon: A dialogical analysis of 'Meditations on First Philosophy.'[http://stir.academia.edu/documents/0011/0112/Gillespie_Descartes_demon_a_dialogical_analysis_of_meditations_on_first_philosophy.pdf] Theory & Psychology, 16, 761–781.
*Martin Heidegger [1938] (2002) ''The Age of the World Picture'' in [http://books.google.com/books?id=QImd2ARqQPMC&pg=PA66 ''Off the beaten track'']
*{{cite book|last=Keeling|first=S. V.|year=1968|title=Descartes|location=Oxford |publisher=Oxford University Press|id=ISBN }}
*{{cite book|last=Melchert|first=Norman|year=2002|title=The Great Conversation: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy|location=New York |publisher=McGraw Hill|isbn=0-19-517510-7}}
*Moreno Romo, Juan Carlos (Coord.), ''Descartes vivo. Ejercicios de hermenéutica cartesiana'', Anthropos, Barcelona, 2007''''
*{{cite book|last=Ozaki|first=Makoto|year=1991|title=Kartenspiel, oder Kommentar zu den Meditationen des Herrn Descartes|location=Berlin |publisher=Klein Verlag.|isbn=3-927199-01-X}}
*Moreno Romo, Juan Carlos, ''Vindicación del cartesianismo radical'', Anthropos, Barcelona, 2010.
*{{cite book|last=Schäfer|first=Rainer|year=2006|title=Zweifel und Sein – Der Ursprung des modernen Selbstbewusstseins in Descartes' cogito| location=Wuerzburg|publisher=Koenigshausen&Neumann|isbn= 3-8260-3202-0}}
*Serfati, M., 2005, "Geometria" in [[Ivor Grattan-Guinness]], ed., ''Landmark Writings in Western Mathematics''. Elsevier: 1–22.
*{{cite book|last=Sorrell|first=Tom|year=1987|title=Descartes|location=Oxford |publisher=Oxford University Press.|isbn=0-19-287636-8}}
*{{cite book |last=Vrooman |first=Jack Rochford |title=René Descartes: A Biography |publisher=Putnam Press |year=1970}}
*{{cite journal|first1=Richard A. |last1=Watson |authorlink1=Richard Watson (philosopher) |title=René Descartes |work=Encyclopædia Britannica |publisher=Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc |date=31 March 2012 |url=http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/158787/Rene-Descartes |accessdate=31 March 2012}}
*{{cite book|last=Naaman-Zauderer|first=Noa|year=2010|title=Descartes' Deontological Turn: Reason, Will and Virtue in the Later Writings|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn= 978-0-521-76330-1}}
{{സർവ്വവിജ്ഞാനകോശം|ദെക്കാർത്തെ, റെനെ (1596 - 1650)}}
"https://ml.wikipedia.org/wiki/റെനെ_ദെക്കാർത്ത്" എന്ന താളിൽനിന്ന് ശേഖരിച്ചത്